Wednesday, September 28, 2005
2:30 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
time for some photos!

xiaoLONG and me!

grandma and me on ma cuzzie's wedding day.

da adidas jacket and echo perfume mrBOYFRIEND bought for me. and da pretty handbag my pretty6677 bought on ma birthday.

we were there! 15/o8/2oo5

reflections! :D

BOTAK pommy! :p

arhh. her fur finally grew. PRETTY POMMY! look at her BIGGGG smile. lol.
nice pics eh?
Sunday, September 25, 2005
11:14 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
HOLIDAYit seems like a
month has passed since my exams ended. but narr, its barely two weeks. im getting darn bored staying at home, eating maggi for lunch and slacking around. yes. SLACKING around. everyday's the same to me now. sleeping at 1+am, waking up at 11+am. watching tv. eating maggi. playing maplestory. -.- andand, surfing friendster and blogs. so please, will you guys do me a favour?
UPDATE YOUR BLOGS! and tag tag tag!!wednesdaywent for englong's
OCS social night. mann, i felt darn out of place cuz the guys there are above 19 years old. and their partners are also around their age. im like, one of the youngest there. anddd, those girls are sooo pretty. and classy in their gowns. GOWNS. i wore a bohemian kinda dress. okayy. so i ate a lil, laughed a lil, talked a lil, but my feet hurt damn much cuz i wore a new pair of shoes. and darn. NUS is very huge. the cab driver got lost too, so we decided to call his friend to drive us to the Guild House. yup.. took a few photos and tada, i went home.
thursdaywent to englong's house to play with hannah! hannah is very very cute! hahaha! she knows how to walk already!! :D:D:D then i slacked around, read comics, andd watched him play computer games. then he left for town to meet his friends. his friends said i really looked quite outta place. cuz most of the girls looked very classy while i looked very
jap and cute. o.o"
went to his house again. played with hannah! haha, she recognises me~ :D:D:D stayed for a while only, then went home. bathed and changed. dad came over to drive mum, sis and me to harbourfront for my cousin's wedding. saw hanxian, hanhui and hanhui's girlfriend there. yea, we share the same cousin. lol. hanxian's
taller than hanhui! x: played with my dont-know-how-to-call-him (my cousin's baby, another cousin - not the one who's getting married) yupp. ate. talked to another cousin who's one year older than me about Biotechnology, cuz she's taking the same course in SP. took a photo with my grandma using ma phone and mmsed it to englong. hahaa.
saturdaywas supposed to meet englong but he had a
fever, so didnt meet him in the end. slacked the whole day at home.
englong came over to bukit panjang plaza in the morning and we had macdonald breakfast! :D:D:D then we took 700A to town. went ta PS and bought tics for
The Myth. The Myth is very dumb. there are some funny scenes. but yea, the ending is dumb. that place's supposed to have no gravitational pull, but why are the rocks falling before the place's being sealed off?
went to carrefour and bought food! :D:D:D then i went home!
played maplestory, called englong and talkedd. anddd here i am, blogging.
oh yaa, englong had wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday and sunday morning off. cuz they're now a PROFESSIONAL team. haha.
andand ILOVEHIM! heh.
woohoo. SHOPPING
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
12:21 AM$BlogItemDateTime$>
ive been meeting loads of
weird people nowadays, for God-knows-what-reasons. and i think human beings are too ignorant of their surroundings. and we're becoming more and more openminded.
OPENminded. yeap. i'll list out some examples..
example one : 18september. at the carpark opposite my block, at around 8pm-9pm, there was this couple at the top level. (i live at the eighth floor, so i can have a clear view of that carpark) yea, they were
kissing and hugging and whatever not, i couldnt see clearly. like what the heck. there are abt 21 floors on my block. and from the eighth floor, i could see them hug and kiss. they simply want the whole world to know that they're damn in love.
example two : these two
RV girls boarded the MRT train holding two bottles of some drink
( i dont know what, must be some new drinks selling in primary schools, secondary schools and JCs, but we definitely dont have that in polys. ) okay, so this was what happened.
girl 1: *gossip gossip*
girl 2: *opened the cap of the bottle and drank a mouthful of the drink*
girl 1: *gossip gossip*
girl 2: *shook the bottle a lil* EH! WHY ARE THERE
girl 1: ive no idea too! so
girl 1 & 2: *shook their bottle of drinks*
okay, you get it dont you? and yea. their schools. uh huh..
example three : this couple boarded another train. sat diagonally opposite me. guy kissed girl. girl kissed guy. touch here touch there. -.- then changed train at Jurong East to the one going towards Pasir Ris.
girl: AH! i
wet my skirt. howhow?
*BLUSH*guy: haha.. nvm. i help you cover.
*touches the girl's ass* *shifts the bag to cover the wet spot*
then they
continued doing whatever they were doing. thenn! on the train, they stood at the opposite door at first. but i dont know how they managed to
flip flip flip till they stood directly opposite me.
okay, this may sound
obscene. but there was a huge
bulge at the guy's -toot-. so yea, they were
hot and horny. ON A TRAIN. ouch. so the guy kept shifting his ass right in front of me -.- and
shoving his whatever-not into the girl's whatever-not. IT LOOKS TOTALLY UGLY AND DISGUSTING. hello? cant they see im just a SEVENTEEN year old girl? and they're doing that right in front of me. -.-
okay, nvm about that. i went shopping today with huiling at town. met her after her lessons ended. we talked alot on the bus - about NS and stuff. went to far east plaza to look for shoes to go with my dress. ( OCS' social night is tomorrow, ive to accompany el ) yeap. so we looked high and low for something suitable. got so sian so we bought old chang kee and super big gulp! hoho. went to Trendy Zone and i decided i'll just get my shoes there since they have quite a wide variety of shoes. so i chose and chose. finally picked a pair of shoes which looked damn pretty. but they're damn pointed as well -.-" thennn, we went to Evolution to get earrings. WOAH. they have like,
2000 ++ earrings on sale ( according to them ). so i managed to convince huiling to get 3 pairs for herself too. oh btw, the earrings are damn cheap.
1 for $5 and 3 for only $12. woohoo. and they're the bohemian style earrings. :D:D:D
andddd. huiling and i loveeee
green and
purple. now. haha. and we're in love with bohemian-styled clothes. actually, i loved them long agooo! lol. but sadly, it has become a fashion. and by wearing one Bohemian kinda shirt, we'll be labelled as no originality and stuff.! human beings are weird, arent they?
hahaha. long entry, aint it?
anyway, the previous entry was just
random thoughts, was really devastated and pissed with the entire series of events that happened to me. but yea, im alright now. haha. talked to huiling about it as well. haha.
so yea, i still love you yanyi. (:
you're still a friend, cindy.
no worries.
as for samuel, ive nothing to say.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
12:48 AM$BlogItemDateTime$>
was talkin' to benedict last night. and i realised something which made me cry.
friends -- they made up a huge part of my life. i wouldnt have come so far without the support of my friends. but who in this world really understands me? ive lost loads of friends.
LOADS. none of them really understood me.
i was labelled a bitch who snatches guys away from my friends. hur. i dont even like those guys!
she said i had been like
that all the while. am i really that sort of person?
i wasnt trustworthy to
him. cuz
he was afraid i would tell
her about it. well, will i? even when i found out, i didnt say a thing to
her, until she asked me about it.
he said
he didnt tell anybody. then why is it that
he could tell my good friend, but not me?
he said
he trusts me. but still, the fact is,
he didnt tell me a thing.
two of them -- i regarded them as my close friends. but both of them said hurtful things to me. they never once trusted me. never once understood me. i knew them for years. YEARS. but they could give up the friendship just cuz i was this. i was that. wow.
i might seem to have many close friends, in fact, i dont think i do. who do i turn to when ive troubles? nobody. englong's busy in NS, he doesnt have much time for me. 6677? seriously, we are simply
playmates. benedict? where is he when i need him? yes, he's there at times, but not all the time. he has his own social life. yanyi? worse. we've drifted apart so much. shuling? misunderstandings occur between us now and then.
what else can i say? who else can i turn to?
nobody trusts me.
nobody ever trusted me.
do you know how much it hurts to have your best friend for years telling you how long
she has tolerated you? how much you've changed over the years. and how bitchy you are to snatch guys away from your good friend, when you never had the intention of doing so.
do you know how much it hurts to have
your senior telling you how much
he doesnt trust you? first,
he tells you "yeayea, i'll tell you when im successful" then
he tells you "oh. cuz im afraid you'll tell so-and-so." then
he says "nono, i trust you. just that.. its
hard to explain la"
narr. nobody will understand.
its just too much of a coincedence, you know. God's playing a
trick on me.
Cindy, sometimes i think i must have owe you in my previous life. haha...
Monday, September 12, 2005
12:05 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
met englong yesterday in the afternoon. we went to town.. hmms, ate jap cuisine - ma favourite omelette noodles. *slurps* uh huh, bought movie tickets then went to heeren and walked around.
was looking for
formal wear. yea, cuz of his social night thingy, have to wear something smart. walked around and i saw a very
pretty brown dress. *LOVELOVE* hahaha. so he encouraged me to go in and try it on. its damn pretty! haha. yea, bought it even without looking at the price. damn. and he paid for it laa. i feel damn guilty. ):
went to watch
The Longest Yard. mannn, its damn funny la! especially at the part they were describing that huge size man's private part. LOL. damn sick, but funny.
hammer! and the part where they were looking at the gifts Caretaker got them. the gift for the
hammer. LOL. yea. i love the show. the teamwork. woah. its just amazing. haha. the show's damn nice, though i know nuts about english football. i love shows like this. for eg, the Coach Carter show. *claps
uh huh. then i went home. my poor dearie had NS duties for the stupid NS run this morning. he camped overnight around the Esplanade area. poor thing. ): boo. NS sucks.
lalalaaaa. im gonna meet him tomorrow to
study! im a good girl! ive got an exam on tuesday. pray for me alright? (:
Thursday, September 08, 2005
9:07 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
i wish i had done well for all the quizzes and tests.
i wish there was no such thing as "exams".
i wish i was more intelligent.
i wish every day was a holiday.
mann. im enjoying every bit of this short study week! sleeping late. going online. playing maplestory (oops.) studying a lil. watching tv. slacking. MANNN. i pon tanned every single extra lecture i had during this study week. sighhs. i wouldnt be surprised if i fail my OBC module. HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO GET MY DIPLOMA LIKE THAT? damn. God, bless me! i need help from You. please please please let me pass my OBC module. i need to pass my module! biotechnology isnt that easy mann. i hate chemistry! :(
went to lavender at around 12 with my mum and sis to make my passport. oh ya, did i mention that i'll be going overseas during my october holidays for GL training? mann, hope it wont be too tough. boo.
after that, we went to plaza singapura. went to starhub to get my sis' sim card fixed. starhub is damn disorganised. sucks.
shopped around. ebase's having a salee~~ weee! hahaha. i love ebase's blouses. got one at only 10 bucks. woo. went to carrefour with mum and sis. bought trackpants and some other stuff. yea.
i wanna pass my OBC module!!!
God bless me. (:
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
8:16 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
sigh. i apologise if i sound darn harsh in my previous entries. im really disappointed.
cindy: thanks for talkin' to me. it was my fault all the while. i've always treated him as a friend, but i just realised, he has always been a stranger to me. i know nothing about him, nothing!
i dont know how to face him. dont know what to reply him. he's a stranger afterall. am i really mean to do this? but i think i dont know him at all, so what for i bother so much? ive no idea what to do. he got loads of friends with him. loads. im just a nobody, yea?
wake up yuqi.
wake up.
you: im not angry. im just disappointed.
simple plan - thank you
Monday, September 05, 2005
10:37 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
I thought that I could always count on you
I thought that nothing could become between us two
We said as long as we would stick together
We'd be alright
We'd be ok
But I was stupid
And you broke me down
I'll never be the same again
So thank you for showing me
That best friends cannot be trusted
And thank you for lying to me
Your friendship, the good times we had
You can have them back
I wonder why it always has to hurt
For every lesson that you have to learn
I won't forget what you did to me
How you showed me things I wished I'd never see
But I was stupid
And you broke me down
I'll never be the same again
So thank you for showing me
That best friends cannot be trusted
And thank you for lying to me
Your friendship, the good times we had
You can have them back
When the tables turn again
You'll remember me my friend
You'll be wishing I was there for you
I'll be the one you miss the most
But you'll only find my ghost
As time goes by
You'll wonder why
You're all alone
So thank you for showing me
That best friends cannot be trusted
And thank you for lying to me
Your friendship, the good times we had
You can have them back
So thank you, for lying to me
So thank you, for all the times you let me down
So thank you, for lying to me
So thank you, your friendship you can have it back
10:23 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
why are humans so selfish? pathetic creatures.
im really very disappointed. who are you to me? why should i be so bothered? fcuk.
i've always treated you as a friend. i told you everything. i shared everything with you. but you never once told me anything. you never once trusted me, have you? you promised me. but you lied. i had to find out myself. from others, not from you. you call that friends? nars. who am i exactly to you? am i just a busybody in your eyes? in my heart and soul, every word that you say, every action of yours, means alot to me. cuz, you're my friend. people could say stuff about you, i wouldnt listen. people told me that you are not trustworthy at all, i stood by my beliefs that you're not that sort of person. but now, i think im dumb. i believed you. who was the one who said "aiyah. i'll tell you when the time is ripe", "i'll tell you when i succeed". who? hur. if you treated me as a friend, you would have shared your stuff with me. that's what friends are for. friends share. oh well, you never once took the initiative to contact me. i guess im just another person in your social circle. from now on, you'll also be another person in my social circle. why should i bother about you when you dont bother about me at all?
friends mean alot to me. everyone knows this. especially you.
im a nobody.
12:26 AM$BlogItemDateTime$>
you're disappointing.
you suck.
you're a bitch.
you're insensitive.
you're hopeless.
nobody loves
stop comparing
yourself with others.
i hate
),: youareme.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
11:35 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
why is it that people love to lie so much?
kong. li.
kong: remember? you promised to tell me about it. but you never told me. i had to found out myself. am i a friend too you at all? im disappointed. bet you never regarded me as a friend. sigh. all the time. you never once said a thing about yourself to me. you promised. but in the end, you never tell me. hais. who am i to you?
li: ive no idea what you're trying to say. loads of excuses given. sigh.
why is it that everybody likes to lie to me??