Wednesday, November 30, 2005
9:15 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
im here to BLOG. life is so darn boring nowadays. im gonna start revising prolly today. haha. cuz some asshole in my class said im slacker no. one. he also commented indirectly that i wouldnt do well for my exams, which is darn insulting. hello, at least ive got some brains. ya, im not exactly CLEVER or SMART, but at least, im still quite clever. if not, how the heck would i manage to score 249 for PSLE (which is one mark away from the damned special stream) and get 14 for my L1R5 for O Levels? maybe these are not very good scores to those RJC, HCJC, ACJC, NJC students, but at least its better than the other students from other schools. im only human, i do have my limits. i did my best. uh huh. unlike some people who go into JCs and then dont do their best there, i study. maybe i didnt give my best shot last semester, but im so gonna study hard for the rest of the semesters. oh, and im not so dumb like some people who insist on going to JCs and then end up not promoting (when they already know they wont make it in the first place), then come gimme all the shit that "oh, i realised polys are not that bad afterall" to hell they go. first, you tell me all the k0k that polys are NOT-YOUR-STANDARD, and you deserve to get into universities via THE SHORTER ROUTE. now, look, whos taking the longer route? funny huh. then you gimme all the shit that you THINK you cant promote, have to retain or whatever shit. hello? you chose your path, so please, excel in the path you chose. nobody forced you to take that path. and no, POLY STUDENTS are NOT WORSE than JC students. for all i know, some poly students do get HIGHER L1R5s than some JC students. so, people out there, stop despising poly students. we're humans too.
oh ya, about that asshole who despises me. he ought to be thankful that i was still speaking up for him in front of the others. also, be thankful that i didnt laugh at him. hello? he failed his JC and had no choice but to come to poly. and here he is, looking down on people who didnt do so well for the last semester. doesnt he realise that people out there are laughing at him? he chose the wrong path -- the so-called shorter path -- and ended up taking a LONGER route than ever.
hurhur, no offence here, but i thought i had to dedicate this entry to whomever falls under the category of despising poly students, despising me etc.
anyway, on a lighter note, i passed my 2 online IPC quizzes with scores of 9/10 and 8/10 respectively. *claps
and amazingly, i didnt pon tan any lessons today. and i did math. yes, during math lecture. i didnt sleep a wink throughout math lecture. and that's a feat, alright. uh huh. had microbio practical too. did a tertiary streak plate of the Saccharomyces cerivisiae aka Yeast. the photo shown below is my secondary streak plate.

those are cells. yes, large amounts of yeast cells. big balls of yeast cells. gross, aint it? anyway, the biggest ball of cells on the left of the photo is actually contamination. certain microbes in the air fell onto my agar plate and started feasting on the nice, munchy agar (that's to the microbes) and reproduced. some of my classmates had MOULD growing larh, disgusting. we did gram staining -- a technique that allows us to view the microbes clearly by using the stains to remove the cell wall etc. lol. and as usual, we viewed cells under microscopes.
to think about it, i used to think that cells look uber disgusting under the microscope. now, i think they're ok. so perhaps after some time, i will get use to looking at the disgusting steak plates with balls of microbes growing. erhhs. we'll see about that.
anyway, im off to study.
darn, i miss ang englong. hurhur. people, dont stop reading my blog. and please kindly tag.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
10:11 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>

the baby Golden Retriever at Pets Lover Centre. CUTEEE!

this is sandy's idea! LOL.

yeayy. we love making faces. :D

baby miguel and me! my cousin called his name and he turned to look at him. BOOOO.


heh. :D
impt stuff
Monday, November 28, 2005
11:32 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
am blogging to note some important points.
firstly, anybody who has friends/relatives who wanna subscribe to Starhub Maxonline or Starhub Cable TV, please contact me. or Anita. you can click on her link over
here and tag on her tagboard. she's working as an outsource for Starhub, i dont know whats that called. aiyah, just support her okie? :D
secondly, anybody who goes clubbing late at night and need cab home but cant get any ALL the time, please contact me too. my dad is providing limousine services. merc cab okay. take already, also got face. LOL. so singlish. ah. nevermind.
then, anybody who knows of any pet shops jobs contact me too. or any sales jobs that offers $5 pay.
and anybody whos going overseas, please get me some bags. for the kinds of bags i prefer, contact me too.
okay, ways of contacting me -- TAG at my tagboard, MSN me. or SMS me if you have my number. i come online every single day anyway. another alternative is to MESSAGE me on friendster. haha. but that's not a very good idea, cuz friendster's sometimes damn lag.
AND. would somebody get me The Sims 2 cd and the Expansion Pack???
as well as a Golden Retriever.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
11:28 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
im uber tired.
hurting -- my gastric hurts like hell, it feels as though im dying. great, aint it?
will update again.
another day
Thursday, November 24, 2005
11:19 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
woke up at 7am again. went to work with mum. sis didnt go, cuz she had to go to school to get her PSLE results.
hl worked today too. :D my female cousin came with her friend to work too. haha
went to school at 10.20am. had MST lecture. amazingly, i didnt pon. lol. today's attendance was damn poor. LOADS of people ponned. some people damn -.- larh. signed attendance alr leave. haha. so in the end, only me, peien and sandy turned up (from my so-called clique). we were zi bi-ing. indulging in our own worlds of slackers. pathetic sia. 3 of us went to cafe to have lunch. and gao zi bi there.

we convinced ourselves to stop eating the food we order almost every lunch. LOL. sandy -- crispy noodle. peien -- curry chic with rice. qii -- beef horfun. LOL. all of us tried the jap food there. sandy ate beef ramen. i ate chic ramen. en ate teriyaki chic set.
and then, peien started mixing all the leftover food o.o"

and signed her name on the watermelon skin, with the help of me. lol.

and after we left the cafe, we started to gao zi bi AGAIN. zz. taking pictures outta nowhere. (we were on a road, anyway)
then we decided to go outside the practical room to wait for lessons to start. walked past the guys and didnt even say a thing o.o" just went up. then we saw joel upstairs, so we decided to gao zi bi again. zz! went to the staircase to sit. en went to the toilet. left with sandy and me. as expected, we took photos

attempt #1. sandy looks damn se4 here. LOL

attempt #2. MUCH BETTER!
my hair is darn messy, i know. haha. so shag, didnt even bother abt how i looked.

and i bathed pommy when i got home! :D
a very horrible thing happened just now. pommy's toe nail broke off! and bled. :(
gonna send her to the pet shop asap. i will kill my parents if they tell me they have no money. they cant let my baby suffer like that!! GRR!
CATS SUCKKKKKKKKKK!!!! FUCK IT!(okay, i really hate it.)
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
10:18 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
uber tired.
mum pulled me to work with her at 7am -.-"
worked till 10am. then left for school. had IPC lecture -- alright. MATH LECTURE. FOOK. -.- totally sucked. then microbio practical. WOOHOO. did 16 streak dilution again. hahaha. damn fun. i did E. coli smear to be viewed under the microscope. damn cool~

my 16 streak dilution of Saccharomyces cerevisae aka yeast cells. LOL. x: this is the primary streak plate. uber gross right?

my work bench! primary streak plate and secondary streak plate. :D
went to englong's house after that to look for baby hannah. she recognises me~ :D:D:D kept playing with her while that pig slept. went down to have dinner then came home. shoosh.
now for the photos i owe you guys. :D i'll only upload somee. uber tired.

huiling and me in work tee. (at my mum's bookstore)

spastic huiling. cute me. and pretty sis. HAHAHHA x:

stacks of books!! (primary school textbooks and workbooks)

me and my 2 male cousins, both younger than me.

the cow and giraffe puppets we saw at minitoons. THEY WERE RIGHT BESIDE EACH OTHER :D

ME. lol. i look funny. HAHAHHA. this is just for laughs.
the photos we took during the baking, i havent uploaded them to my laptop. hoho.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
10:48 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
woke at 7am today. prepared to go out. RECEIVED DEAR'S SMS AT 7.24am :D:D:D
damn happy. heh. had a hard time trying to wake my dad and my sis up. mum was already out. prepared a cup of milo and a slice of bread for my sis. hurhur.
fetched moomoo at the bus stop before KAP's then dad drove us to CHIJ Bukit Timah. sold books. for hours. lol. fun larhhs. 2 of my cousins were there too. sold books to the primary one kids. :D:D:D
hmms, then went home at 4pm with moomoo and my sis. hl came my house also. then we tried our tiramisu. HOHO. it rocks larh. x: just that it tastes more like chocolate cheesecake. englong came over to my house at 5pm. then he tried the cake. LOL. specially made for him, okayy.. x: he also said we should call it chocolate cheesecake. hahaha. x:
slacked my house for a while. then el and me sent huiling to the bus stop. after which, we went to plaza to have dinner. :D ate mos. silly boy bought the mos bear for me! he bought huiling one too. hahaha. cuz i told him we both like it. x:
lallalas. went to popular after dinner and met his OCS friend there. lol. they talked non-stop. hurhur. then he bought a game. o.o"
he sent me home then went home.
and went out again, with his OCS friends.
BOOHOO. he isnt replying me larh. everytime lidat. boohoo.
so moomoo is entertaining me now.
Monday, November 21, 2005
11:47 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
sunday twentieth november two oh oh five
took train to city hall, bought bread from breadtalk. ate and walked to marina square to meet huiling. after which, alan and cheelup came. haha. watched harry potter. seriously, i think this series much worse than the previous ones. -shrugs- went to giant to look for ingredients for today's "baking" session. then homeee.
had microbio tutorial, gosh, it sucked. then had 3 hours break. slacked at library. before that, i bought a teriyaki chicken sandwhich from the shop at atrium. yumyum. slacked at library, did math, watched the guys play comp games. yawn. then went for tutorial. MST1. my most hated module. hurhur. did math tutorial. math online. then went to KAP with peien, sandy and jeremy. haha, i was so pissed today with the guys. they're damn noisy. finish work alr talk so loud, discuss about things that got nothing to do with math. hurhur. super annoying. inconsiderate people.
anyway, ate macnuggets students' meal at KAP while waiting for huiling to come. haha. went to cold storage and bought the ingredients needed. then went to my house. stupid her got so fascinated with pommy. o.o" POMMY IS TOOOOOO ADORABLE, YOU SEE. hahha. played with pommy for quite a while. then we started to do our 'tiramisu'. loll. TIRAMISU. yesyes, we dont know the outcome yet, cuz its still inside the chiller. hoho. anyway, did the first layer and realised that there wasnt enough cheese! :( so we went down to bpp. met peishan to return her bag. then hl and me went to NTUC. gosh, they didnt have the cheese we wanted. so we walked to sheng song supermarket. -.-" they didnt have the cheese too. so we took bus to cold storage at railmall. lol~~ bought cheese and went back home. :D
finished the job. cleared up. then sent huiling to the bus interchange. photos will be uploaded next time. yawn
im working tomorrow, pontanning school. hurhur. helping mum work, so no choice. hl coming to work also. :D all the way from thomson. -CLAPS-
and, i changed my tagboard. cuz i think shoutbox uber laggy nowadays. so, tag at my tagboard okay? okay, that sounds lame.
anyway, ma dear's coming back tomorrow!!
hope he's safe and sound!!
1:27 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
in class now. gosh. and i realise my previous entry damn rash. cuz i got irritated by some people who kept on telling me that they miss their other halves, when they saw them only like hours ago.
im having math tutorial now. sucks. i hate that bitch.
uber boring.
meeting huiling at 3.15pm at KAP, again. haha. but this time, we're gonna get ingredients for our PROJECT. yea, project. hohoohoh.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
12:29 AM$BlogItemDateTime$>
it's 12.19am. sunday.
im missing him ALOT. :(
he smsed me today, telling me that he's fine and coming back soon. as well as he misses me. hoho.. x:
but, im still sad.
cuz i havent been seeing him for two weeks.
fourteen days.
three hundred and thirty six hours (oh well, more than that)
no, stop telling me that IT IS ONLY THREE DAYS.
from 7 november. till now. till the 22nd. its damn long, okay?
you guys out there, without seeing your bfs/gfs for only a few hours, you tell me that you miss him/her. i will slap you! hurhur.
i have a boyfriend who's in NS. who's in brunei right now. so, stop comparing with me. it's annoying. even after he comes back, i will only be able to see him every weekend. so, shut up, okay?
damn random. but i really feel so. it's getting on my nerves. i havent been sleeping well. havent been able to concentrate.
gosh, this sucks.
and damn, i think i failed my MST test.
i really hate my core modules.
MST1 -- math and statistics ONE.
IPC -- inorganic and physical chemistry.
MB -- microbiology
PHYSIO -- physiology ( this sucks big time )
i hate the other modules too.
CATS -- creative and applied thinking skills.
SW -- sports and wellness ( this is the best module for this semester )
im going out with huiling, cheelup and alan again tomorrow. gonna watch harry potter at marina area. dont let me see people i dont wanna see. thank you.
Friday, November 18, 2005
10:38 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
TGIF -- Thank God Its Friday!!!
gosh. i made it this far! hoho. after this longgggg weekend, my dearest boy will be back. im so lookin forward to it. haha.. with him away at brunei, i guess the happiest people are those who havent met me for a long long time, cuz i finally have time for them! lol. okay, though the only people i met for this two weeks are cheelup, alan, huiling, huiling and huiling. gosh, i keep seeing her face. so sick of it. HAHAHAHA. x: okay okay, im just kidding.
anyway, spending the past two weeks with huiling was rather fun larh. 'cuz can make fun of her. :D and we talked about hell loads of stuff also. and took pics. these are things we never did in the past. lol. and clever her thought of making a video for the two of us. i gave her my FIRST TIME in making a video! hahaha. so yea, you can view it on my friendster profile. spent only about an hour on it, so make do with that first kae? LOL that's just a TRIAL.
anyway, ANITA NEO!! i only ate a lil bit.. haha.. i was having gastric problems. laughed too much. -faints-
ohh. about today. woke up and bathed. then cooked maggi. ate a lil bit only. then went to school. as usual, CATS suck. i hate CATS larh. irritating piece of crap. hurhur. -.-
went to Kismis for basketball. hoho.. Sir gave us a 'test' on what we learnt last week. and we all passed, though the girls are still damn clumsy. hurhur. then today, we learnt passes. chest pass, off shoulder pass, thunder pass, overhead pass. aiya. i dont know the names. LOL. x: learnt to do the dont know what eight also. super clumsy. hoho. ehhs. nothing much today larh.
hoho. then went to plaza to rot around. I LOVE CARTELLL~ :D
cafe cartel opening a branch in plaza~~ so happy!!!
day out with alan, cl and hl!
12:52 AM$BlogItemDateTime$>
ate lunch then we walked to ngee ann. hoho. brought her to the library and left her there to DIE. hohoho.
went for practical. did some magnesium and HCl practical. damn cool. hahaha. ended early -- like, at around 3+pm only? lol. went back library to check on her. lol. she was alive, amazingly. rot for a while. then chee lup came and join us! haha. sat in front of the cafe in the library. and waited for my video on friendster to load. please click on my friendster link at the right of my blog skin to view the video. i took photo of the xmas tree at the atrium of NP!

anyway! showed chee lup the video. then we talk k0k abit, while waiting for alan's lesson to end at 5pm. alan came, then we sat at the library till 6+pm. lol. talked and talked. then we took bus to Bukit Timah Food Centre. all of us chipped in 4 bucks, cl chipped in more than that. then hl and me went to order food. ordered fried kuay teow, hokkien mee, oyster egg and satays! hahaha.

that's alan's hand. so extra!

and that's huiling's hand. UBER EXTRA!
lolll! we talked and talked and talked. and eat and eat and eat.

tadaaa! oh ya, all 4 of us ordered sugar cane drink also. LOL. damn funny. first time going out with the 2 guys. hahaha. x: damn fun! :D
ohh. im uber tired. i shall update again kae? (:
and damn. 22nd is 5 days away. ITS DARN LONG! :(
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
7:24 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
boring day.
IPC lecture at 11am. then break. then math lecture. damn. i hate the lecturer. help. im gonna pon tmr math lecture. i cant stand it. hurhur. then had microbio practical.
we did 16 streak dilution. damn cool. lol.
arh. then had 1.5 hours of practical.
then home.
went to NTUC and helped my mum carry stuff. hoho.
rot rot rot.
ang eng long, ni zai na li! :(
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
9:40 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
oops. haha. yes, i think im short larh. sorry. hurhur. and my male classmates say im short!! so yea, sorry, no offence arh people.
yawn. 6 hours of lecture today. 1 hour tutorial. uber boring. and tiring. sobs.
i miss englong alot. ALOT! :(
how.how.how. i wanna go brunei!
day out
Monday, November 14, 2005
11:25 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
ponned 9am microbio tutorial cuz i was alr late, and according to the ngee ann policy, being late for 15 minutes = being marked absent. so might as well dont go right? HOHO! so yea, i think im bad, ive been pon tanning lessons. i dont know why. no motivation to study at all, englong's gonna kill me when he gets back from brunei. sobs.
anyway, went to school for MST tutorial 'cuz there was a quiz, and my lecturer for MST damn kaobei one. oh. so singlish. nvm. anyway, went throught exponential tutorial. then had the math quiz. and then we did math online. stupid online program which requires us to do math, online. hurhur.
after that i took bus 74 to dover mrt with jeremy. then took train to city hall mrt with him. i went to meet limoomoo. he went to meet his friend.
anyway, i was early! hahaha. though hl was earlier, i dont care, cuz i reached before 4pm. walked to marina square, in hope for looking for a job. ended up loitering around like lost souls. went to killiney for "high tea". lolls.

above are the pictures taken in killiney. the last pic is an eggshell on a cup of almost-finishing milo. moomoo was trying to make a piece of lemon on a cup kinda thing. damn lame. BRRRR.
after loitering around in marina, we went to suntec. found 2 or 3 jobs. hoho. hopefully can get one of them la. i need cash. :D brought huiling to the secret garden -- Sky Garden. englong brought me there once. heh. i think i make her wanna go get a boyfriend. so boys out there, please prepare to launch an attack! hahahha! please, only decent guys are worthy of limoomoo. we took hell loads of pics there. LOL.
OH YA, at marina, we went to Mini Toons. then we bought sweets!! :D:D:D and took pics of this cow (moomoo) and giraffe (raffey) puppets. hoho. damn cute! :D
soo walked around till like, 9 plus? then we both took bus home.
on my way home, at one of the blocks. these two ice-cream boys approached me. begged me to buy icecream for them. even gave me discount o.o but i paid them full amount la, its difficult to get a job nowadays so i totally understand their plight. anyway, after i bought from them, something embarrassing happen. sheesh. hurhur. hahaha.
anyway, i dont know why. ive something against guys shorter than me. maybe cuz im already considered very short, 163cm. hurhur. gosh.
x: I MISS ANG ENG LONG. another long week to go before he comes back. SOB!
sunday w/o el
Sunday, November 13, 2005
9:26 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
woke up at 12plus in the noon. watched tv till about three plus. then i started doing housework! cuz my mum had to work today! so i thought i would lessen her burden a lil.
first, i swept the floor. darn, my house's very dirty. hahaha. then, i mopped the floor. after that, i washed the kitchen's floor cuz its darn oily!! hurhur. scrubbed the floor. till i almost fainted. then i washed the floor clean! :D
after that, i bathed pommy! she's uber cute! :D:D:D naughty pommy pee-ed on her towel after i wiped her cuz the kitchen's floor was still wet and she couldnt walk to the kitchen toilet to pee. naughty naughty. :( she followed me to my parents room, as usual, and i used the hair dryer to help her dry her fur. hoho. cute lil pommy. :p
then, i helped my mum wash the clothes that cannot be washed in the washing machine. hoho. i washed the adidas jacket dear gave me also.
lastly, i cooked dinner! hohoho. cooked egg with onion, cabbage and steamed fish. :D
ate dinner, and bathed.
AND I WATCHED CATS AND DOGS ON CHANNEL FIVE. arhahhas. its darn cuteeee! i like~
hmms, online now. rotting. am gonna do my homework in a while. hoho. long weekend. :( cuz my dear's not with me. sobbs.
i miss him alot alot. it's only the thirteenth november!! the twenty second is sooo far away. i miss him. i miss him! arghhhs. lonely weekend.
i will be all alone next weekend again!! :(
oh well, maybe not. cuz limoomoo's gonna date me out, for sure. HAAHAHAS. x:
job hunting
Saturday, November 12, 2005
11:25 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
met huiling at 1pm at city hall mrt. went to millenia walk to look for her dance studio -- took quite some time doing this. then i went to yoshinoya to have lunch, she had a drink cuz she already ate. hurhur.
then we went back to the train station to take train to orchard station. went to pac plaza in hope of getting a job in ripcurl, but they werent hiring. zzz. so we walked to cineleisure. wanted to go to youth park to support michelle wang's dance competition but i decided that i could do that some other time -- cuz getting a job is my priority now. haha.
walked to heeren. paragon. takashimaya. wisma. arhhs. almost everywhere!! 'cept for plaza singapura.
we are damn picky lah. the shops were picky too. like wth, most of them only want 18 years old and above. we're turning 18 unofficially in only 2 months time!!
hurhur. so we practically walked to and fro in town lors. like two stupid retards. but quite fun la. hahaha.
had dinner at kobayashi then we went homeee. :D im too lazy to upload photos. will do it next time. maybe i will compile all the photos we took together next time. :D
anyway. i hate the way human beings' think. like for me, my efforts are always not being recognised. today, i walked for hours non-stop looking for a job, so that i can lighten my parents' burden. and i was so tired after that, requested to take cab home but i got scolded. hurhur.
and i hate the media influence -- the opinion of every single soul on earth that being slim is the sexiest, trendiest thing to be. hell loads of crap. people from those ulu ulu places are so darn skinny and lack of food -- and here we are, spending hell loads of money slimming down, cutting down on food intake and crap. bullshit.
i think if a chubby person steps onto some ulu ulu place, the people there will be envious of him/her. whereas if he/she stays here in singapore, he/she gets discriminated and stuff. BULLSHIT~ hurhur.
arhh! just some random thoughts la.
bottomline is, its good to be fat. so im not gonna slim down. hurhurhur.
Friday, November 11, 2005
10:56 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
woke up to find out that my sis wore my black NP shirt to her party yesterday and its damn wet. and i needed it today. so i was really pissed. hurhur.
then i washed it quickly and attempted to dry it with a hairdryer. took damn long time but the shirt wasnt dry yet. and cuz of this, i didnt have time to eat lunch, all cuz of my sis. hurhur.
went to school nevertheless. had CATS class. boring lesson.
after CATS, we went to the Sports Stadium to gather. then went to the basketball courts opposite NP. hoho. my basketball coach is uber full of rubbish, but he's quite cute la. hmms.
had bball training. there're like only 4 girls out of 15 people in the class. o.o" peien, me, lynette and another girl, i forgot her name. just met lynette -- she's quite fun. and pretty too. heh. anyway. sir taught us the basics first. he started with a theory lesson. taught us the correct way of doing warm ups and what we are supposed to do before warm ups. how we are supposed to prevent injuries. how to take care of casualties.
after that, sir gave us the permission to begin our warm up -- he told us to run, but didnt tell us exactly how many rounds cuz he says it differs from person to person. so peien, lynette and me ran one round around the 3 basketball courts. hoho. the guys ran two. then we did our own warm ups. :D:D:D
after that, he taught us how to handle the ball. taught us the correct way to do chest pass. and dribbling to shoot. and he taught us how to make a full turn, i dont know what its called lar. hahaha. x:
oh well. lynette and me look like ducks. cuz we never learnt how to play basketball before. lol.
hmms, after the lesson, we stayed back a while to play basketball -- the unofficial way.
ANYWAY! sir says he included referee lessons in this semester! yeay! im gonna learn all the basic basketball stuff. hahha. im so excited about it.
arhhh. and im meeting moomoo tomorrow. whahhas.
and i miss englong alot! :(
dear boy: i miss you! when are you coming back. :( NS sucks! but i will endure! you stay strong too! loveee youu.
lunch out
Thursday, November 10, 2005
9:22 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
ponned MST1 lessons today. yawn.
woke up at 10 plus in the morning and went to meet huiling at my bus stop. we took 184 to KAP. :D then had lunch together. talked about hell loads of things -- the secondary school times. hahah! about samuel, william, marc, law, spencer. delon! haha. talked about how interesting our secondary one and two times were. LOL~ my relationships in the past. her relationships in the past. hahah. talked about all the seniors. the campus one and two times. mann. i miss my sec one and two days! talked about sec three and four too! about pandian's favourite phrase "wait till i see you at coffebean / starbucks!" hahaha! about choongim that matter also, we are still puzzled what happened, but its okay, cuz its over already. hahaha.
talked about loads of stuff! i cant even remember what we talked about! man, its been a long time since i talked so much about the past to someone. LOL.
oh yaa. i passed her the handphone strap englong bought for me and her too. mann, we got the same phones. the same handphone straps. and even the same theme. FAINTS. and now that stupid girl is editting my photo to make a superQI~!
LOL~ we're meeting again this saturday! :D hopefully our quest for a job will be successful. lucky for me, i still have that idiot to entertain me while englong is away. OOPS. no, you didnt see anything. WHAHAHS. x:
and a china/taiwan/hongkong guy came over to our table and ask for her number. how did i know he was from china/taiwan/hongkong? cuz he started the convo by 同学,可以要你的号码吗? DAMN OH BIANG RIGHT? hahahaas. x: of course, our dear huiling rejected that guy. cuz she only wants jianyi. OOPS. hahaha. jianyi is that guy in the 9pm show. we think he's uber cute la. hahaha.
so bored. having basketball training tomorrow.
first training. HELP~ :p
yeayy. nice englong and weiwei offered to teach me basketball.
anybody's willing to attend lessons on my behalf? HAHHAA.
i hate school. boo.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
10:52 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
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(: this is darn true, i think. :D
okay, please disregard what is written about benedict. o.o" cuz its no longer true. haha. i like him as a friend! nothing else. yea. maybe i did like him a lil more than friends last time, it doesnt matter anymore, cuz ive got englong. (:
在你心中englong 占据着最重要的位置,
你对 englong 的感觉用 till the end 这首歌来形容再好不过了。你相信这是上天安排的缘分,因为你深深的爱着 englong 。 对于 benedict ,也许是宿命吧,虽然你也喜欢 benedict ,但是你们注定不可能在一起,就象 zhi zu 中唱的一样。
huiling 是最关心你的人,而 kaingee 是最了解你的人,你们两个在一起会彼此有知己的感觉。 yanyi 是你的幸运星,也许会给你带来好运气的哦~!~!~!
ji de 这首歌最能代表你现在的想法。 zhi guai wo 这首歌代表你对生活的感受。 把本页推荐给你的 60 个朋友,你的愿望--- be with el for a long long time (: 就会实现,信不信由你!
0-10 人: 你会经历一个小小的变化。
11-19 人: 你的生活会按照你期望的方向改进。
20-30 人: 在今后4天,你至少得到5个快乐的惊喜。
30 人以上:你的生活会发生惊人的变化,你的美梦将会成真。
找一个你爱聊的人结婚 , 因为当年龄大了以后,你会发觉喜欢聊天是一个人最大的优点。
go do the quiz if you've time. (:
cherish the people around you. dont wait till they are gone. (:
9:44 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
lessons started at 11am today -- inorganic and physical chemistry aka IPC. had an hour of IPC then went for lunch at Galileo Cafe. then went for 2 hours of Math and Statistics 1 lesson. crap. i hate math. i hate my MST1 lecturer.
then went for MicroBiology practical. mann, i love MB. darn cool. the cultures and stuff. i like my MB practical lecturer, whos also my module rep. hahaha. prepared the Nutrient Growth Agar. :D
hmms. i miss angenglong alot! :(
im going to town with huiling this saturday. :D JOB~
she's coming to Ngee Ann next monday to study with me. :D
hmms. darn. my life is so boring nowadays.
i need to get a job -- then i will go take up lessons. hahaha as for what lessons, ive not decided yet. hahaha.
12:44 AM$BlogItemDateTime$>
sighhs. i miss ang eng long. :(
didnt go for first 4 hours lessons cuz i wasnt feeling well.
anyway. my plans for the upcoming weeks --
. quit GL cuz i really got no time. and my passion died off cuz of annoying seniors.
. get a job
. learn hiphop dance if ive the money
. cut hair, again.
. get el over to my house someday to have dinner, again.
. learn bball ( in progress )
. learn how to swim ( yes, i dont know how to swim. DONT LAUGH. )
. watch harry potter -- with huiling? or englong? or whoever? hurhur.
. stop pontanning lessons, even if ive valid reasons. but damn, this is difficult to achieve, cuz the lecturers are darn boring
anyway. priority now is to get a job. then i will have money
then i can learn hiphop dance. go for make up lessons. buy new clothes. new shoes. new bag. new everything.
i love englong~
i love yanyi, still.
i love anita. (:
i love cindy.
i love huiling.
i love weiwei.
i love yew chye, still.
i love charissa.
i love michelle wang.
i love wenbing.
i love kaingee.
i love yongsern.
those who have always been there for me. <3
new skin
Monday, November 07, 2005
9:41 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
as you can see, ive got a new blogskin! a new tagboard! everything's new!
credits to deviantart for the wonderful emotive photograph to the left of the skin. (: and of course to myself! i did this skin myself -- with the help of previous skins' html codes. haha. ORIGINALITY!
the entries box look a lil weird due to the previous posts with huge photos. will disappear once new entries come in. yeappp. spent quite a few hours doing this. but all within a day. im so proud of myself. whahahass.
had math and statistics today. damn. it sucks. tons of math homework to be done. wish me luck.
looking for job with huiling. arhahas. might be going to queensway to get sports shoes. yeapp. for the BASKETBALL. hahaha.
did i mention that i got into basketball for sports and wellness? i think i did. hahaha. funny. but its damn true. :D
kaeee. so people. tag more. leave your links if they aren't on this site yet. THANK YOU!!
Sunday, November 06, 2005
11:07 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
my dearest boy is on his way to changi airport. his mum's driving him there. and im already missing him ALOT. :(
met him just now. went over to Jurong Point to buy his compass. blur him. he left a bag of stuff in camp so had to buy everything again. i guess he's feeling very insecure, cuz of his sotong-ness. so before i left house. i drew this four leaf clover on a piece of paper, and cut it out. :D i drew using a pink marker so i wrote "this is green, not pink." whahas. then i took one of our photos taken last time out. and i wrote at the back of the photo "dear, stay strong! i love you~ qii." whhahahas. and i took 2 plasters. and i wrote "this is 爱心 handaplast (:" on one and "use when injured <3" on the other. whahahhas. x:
just lil attempts to cheer him up. cuz he seems really depressed. sobs. poor him.
sent him back to clementi! haha. he accompanied me to the bus stop though. (: hugged him tight. and bid goodbye.
i miss him!
and he's darn sweet. he told me to go watch harry potter with huiling. haha. cuz i told him im quite worried that huiling will have nobody to watch with. WHAHAHSs. sounds wrong la. lol! smsed huiling though, so i guess we're watching together. and englong's paying for the tics la. lol..
Saturday, November 05, 2005
10:56 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
storm's over.
life is back to norm.
whahas. school started alr. damn. i hate my new lecturers. i hate my new timetable. i hate homework!! this semester's not like the last one, last semester we had alot of projects and NO homework. at least, i thought there wasnt any. :D this semester i have math and statistics. which means, math homework -- both online and written ones. BORING.
anyway, met mrBOYFRIEND today. was kinda disappointed with him last night, but no, i dont bear grudges. haha.. met him at Plaza Singapura. bought tics for All About Love. wanted to watch both All About Love and Doom but decided to watch only one instead. zz. went to mos to have lunch at around 4pm -.-" then walked around. bought some food from carrefour. then watched movie.
All About Love is damn exaggerated, but it's okay, cuz Andy Lau's appeal is enough for me to close one eye to the nonsensical plot. it was touching, nevertheless. hahaha.
bought this pair of cute (at least i think so) handphone chain for hl and me. englong paid for them!
darn bored. englong's going over to Brunei tomorrow night. and will only be back on 22nd november. that's damn long laa. zz! so im looking for part time weekend jobs now, so that i'll have something to do over the weekends.
oh by the way, stop commenting about my past entries. im not gonna delete them. cuz they're part of my memory. painful ones though. STOP COMMENTING, alright people?
peace out.