el's back!
Monday, January 23, 2006
11:02 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
he's back he's back!
mbio H5N1
12:00 AM$BlogItemDateTime$>
woohoo. did microbiology project today at sandy's house. :D
H5N1. :D
englong's coming back! :D:D:D
im sleepy. i'll update again tomorrow!
sinful indulgence
Saturday, January 21, 2006
11:52 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
im here to confess.
met huiling at 2pm at bugis' fountain. i was late by about ten minutes cuz i alighted at the wrong bus stop. went over to bugis street and started shopping like crazy. was supposed to accompany her buy clothes, end up i bought more than her. lol.
things i bought today--
- a pair of shoes from MAD ; $19.90
- a fake green roxy tee with sequins ; $10
- a red polo tee from bugis street lvl 2 ; $20 after bargaining
- a green
topshop polo tee ; $23 (huiling bought the red one)
- a pair of black big studs ; $2.50
- a pair of brown heart studs ; $2.50
- a faded denim mini skirt ; $24 after bargaining
- two facial masks from watsons ; $5
- neoprint with huiling ; $5
- toriQ ; $4
- lime juice ; $1 (huiling paid for it! i forgot to return her!)
hmm. what else did i get. i cant remember. i spent more than a hundred today. sinful indulgence! shopping makes me happy. but its sinful, to spend so much money in a day. oh well, i spent alot last xmas and this cny!
ive got $300 plus worth of new clothes, if im not wrong. i practically bought a year's supply of clothes for school. lol. exaggerated figure, excuse me. :D
oh. and i almost got this pretty green shades for $15.90.
almost got a pair of black slip-ons for $36.90.
almost got a liquid foundation for $24.
almost got more pairs of bohemian earrings for God-knows-how-much.
almost got a beautiful necklace for $8.
almost got a blusher, a mascara and eyeshadow which adds up to about $60?
oh gosh. there's so many things i wanna get. oh. and when my baby boy comes back from thailand, i'll have more stuff, I HOPE!
hahaha. my sinful indulgence -- shopping. :D
i so so so love topshop clothes. too bad, i wasnt born with a tiny figure. lol. baby fats everywhere. boohoo. my sis has loads of baby fats too! my mum too. bah. blame it on the genes!
ive to edit my shopping list, again!
Friday, January 20, 2006
11:02 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
i caught a friggin bad cold.
wanna know why?
i thought i was getting better alr, till yesterday...
i just started bathing. then my mum started screaming outside that she had to use the toilet to do her business. i screamed back at her, told her to tell my sis to get outta the other bathroom. but she just had to use the bathroom i was using. damn. so i rushed. bathed within 3min. and wrapped myself in a towel, brought all my clothes into the room and wore on my clothes. by then, i was alr shivering.
so ta-daaa. i woke up with a very very bad cold. sorethroat. running nose. and blocked nose. as in, one side is blocked, the other is running. damn pathetic.
oh. and darling englong called me just now! :D he's R&R tomorrow & sunday. oh. that means that they can go shopping! no more training! haha! he bought stuff for me! but he wouldnt say what. that silly poke. i love him nonetheless! :D he's coming back in two days time! i survived thru this! so did he! woohoo~ :D:D:D hahaha. i told him to help me get bikinis from thai, cuz the bikinis there damn cheap! LOL. but i think he'll be too shy to get them. HAHAH LATER PPLE THERE THINK HES SOME SICKO. x:
anw. talkin abt my cold, i almost died during bball lesson today. had free play again. split into groups. the guys are so nice. they let me shoot the ball. hoho. and the ball went in manymany times! but running around made me breathless with that stupid cold. almost went hysterical cuz i couldnt breathe very well.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
9:25 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
woots. qii's a lucky girl, even though her dearest isnt here in singapore with her. cuz her best friends still remember her! whahas. chari called me yesterday night and we talked a lil. and today, i read anita's blog! she blogged about me! wee! :D I LOVE ALL OF YOU!
tralalalas. im reinstalling the sims2. cuz i want my sims to have a new life! i cocked up alot at first, cuz it was damn new to me. now, i think i can handle it better. but without the expansion packs, i really dont know what my sims can do. the information booklet is damn redundant too. haha. doesnt help much. x:
OH. and the new week is coming! which means my dearest boy will be back soon! :D next monday, i guess. not very sure of the exact date and time. waiting for his call.
poopoo! im going shopping with huiling this saturday! wee!
and doing project on H5N1 virus on sunday at sandy's house!
ohh. and im planning something.. shall keep all of you in suspense.
when is my darling yans going to date me out to visit mister sun? and missus alcohol? hhahaah.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
10:38 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
i was supposed to do this yesterday, but i was too lazy. so now yea, the following picture might disgust some of you, but i had to do this. at around 4pm yesterday, when i reached home. i opened my windows, and i saw this lil bird right outside my window, on the "wall" thingy. yeap. it's dead when i found it. hard. it's barely a day old, as you can see later, its egg shell is still stuck onto its body. its a sad sight, actually. carried pommy and let her see the lil bird. kept telling pommy that the bird's mummy must be so sad. :( anyway, below is its picture..

in loving memory of lil birdie.
found -- blk17* #08-** window.
rest in peace.
can you see its lil yellow beak? so sweet. it could have grown into a healthy bird and have offsprings, unfortunately, it fell to its death. sigh.
life is so vulnerable. :(
call fr el!
Sunday, January 15, 2006
10:55 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
wees! englong just called me! :D he's a silly lil dumbo pokepoke. :D
he just came back from his mission. and he says its darn cold over there, in the morning. and damn hot in the noon. horrible climate!
oh. and im damn sick. poopoo. didnt even go meet jereh and enen to do our CATS project. but they're so nice! :D they finished it alr. told me to just pay for the materials. they chu li. i chu qian. lol.
ohh. tomorrow's a monday. i wonder if im fit enough to go to school. horrible sorethroat. poof.
我叫金三顺 is a nice show! hahaha. the main actor is damn cuteeee! :D:D:D:D but the storyline is quite similar to full house. contact-based relationship. just that this time, the girl is a chubby and not-so-pretty one. :D
retail therapy + eating
11:57 AM$BlogItemDateTime$>
poof. woke up at 11+ in the morning -- i slept late last night! pommy the silly fatty bombom came into my room, jumped onto my bed and licked me. poof. wanted to kick her off my bed but she gave me this damn innocent look. arhahhas. she's used to having me wake up at around this time. :D
watched teevee. HOUSE! arhahas. i love HOUSE. such a nice show. funky and all. most importantly, the plot is so "doctor-ish". i like shows like that! i like CSI too! forensic science. that's why i took up biotechnology. darn cool right? x:
hmms. mum suggested going out. cuz we were damn bored at home. bathed and changed. then took bus down to town. went to heeren first. i bought a nice tee at 77th street. woohoo. :D walked to specialists' centre's john little to look for mum's clothes. i left at around 5pm to meet peien, sandy and jeremy. met jeremy first, cuz he reached first. went to flash and splash. shortly after, peien and sandy came. jeremy's girlfriend, stephanie, came along too~ pretty girl (: shopped around. then went to Manhantan to dine. hoho. tried the seafood platter thingy. shared with peien and sandy. delicious. but it killed my throat cuz its fried!
went to spotlight to look for materials for our CATS project. darn it. haha. ended up shopping for threads to make friendship bands. :D jeremy and steph left first. then peien, sandy and i took neoprints! arhaha! pretty pretty ones! :D:D:D
then the 2 of them accompanied me back to john little to look for mum and sis, then they left.
went Robinsons. bought a pretty black dress for only twenty bucks :D then mum and sis went to eat dinner at mac. after that, dad called and asked if we wanted a lift home -- of course! hahaha. waited for dad to drive us home.
man. taitai life. brr.
retail therapy relives stress, I LIKE! :D
arh. many couples around me broke up. damn. people. stay strong kae? (: qii still loves all of you! im just a sms/call away.
ive got a bad sorethroat. and that darn benedict is teasing me about it. i shall kick his ass the next time i see him. RARRRHS!
Friday, January 13, 2006
11:54 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
hmms. update on my results.
microbiology : 56 / 100 -- pardon me. ive got no bio bg. and there wasnt enough time for me to study. TRUTH!
mathematics and statistics I : 74 / 100 -- ALOT of careless mistakes. fook it.
inorganic and physical chemistry practical : 37 / 40
YEAY. my best result. lol. top few in class for IPC practical. YEAYY. lol.. dumbass.. x:
OHH. had annoying CATS today again. fucked up teacher. fucked up CATS.
and had basketball. free play today! played game with the rest of my classmates. :D
YEAY. going shopping tomorrow with mum and sis.
and meeting classmates for dinner! :D
Sunday, January 08, 2006
9:46 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
boohoo. sometimes, i detest being a female. i hate everytime of the month -- menstruation. i had cramps! horrible cramps. felt as though my internal organs are dropping. haha. sounds wrong, i know. but the feeling really sucks. having menstruation makes me feel dirty. haha. i keep wanting to bath. hoho..
anyway, my common tests are finally over! whahas. but dear's in thailand. sobs.
hoho. part two of semester II. ive got to strive hard! im gonna be an official year two student only in april, when i start taking the year two modules. JIAYOU!
huiling! strive hard too! :D GOGO JIAYOU!! :D
im going shopping AGAIN! yeay! hahaha!
i shopped for ALOT of new clothes alr. gonna shop for more before the chinese new year. YEAYY~ maybe gonna help dear buy some clothes too, since he's overseas and will only be back on the 23rd. haha
met huiling on.. when? i forgot. went to lot1 with her. ate yakun! my favourite! (: talked and talked. non-stop!
oh, she told me about an assembly talk in PJC. one of the teachers mentioned that they shouldnt go out with poly students cuz poly students will influence them to play. what rubbish. haha. IM ALWAYS TELLING MY JC FRIENDS TO STUDY OK.
and crap. stop discriminating against poly students. we have students with l1r5 more than those in JCs, OK? haha.
scrape the thought that we, the poly students, are dumb. and lazy. and whatever not.
thank you very much. (:
ohh. and i think monks shouldnt be doing things that will condemn them in their afterlife. they ought to cherish their lives instead of toying with them, even though they are doing charity work. hahaaa. you know who im talking about lar.
my bills will go jeebaboom this month! cuz silly him is calling me everyday, from thailand! lol. but now he's having outfield. so he's not in camp. haha. so ive got no calls! and no smses! sad. :(
tralallas! ilovehim! (: (: (:
new year -2006
Sunday, January 01, 2006
11:37 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
year 2005 has passed. well, many things happened to me in 2005.
i was having dinner at bukit panjang plaza foodcourt just now -- having korean food. this food stall was at first called DaDa Korean Food, was introduced to korean food by my mum, when this stall just opened like.. in secondary one? i cant really remember. what i remember is that i used to frequent this stall with my then best friend -- a friend i knew since primary school. imagine 2 pathetic lil girls with minimum amount of pocket money visiting this stall. i still remember we used to take out every single coin we can find in our wallets, just to share one meal together. it may seem pathetic, but the pure joy i felt within me, was.. just fabulous.
well, good things dont last. we soon parted cuz of some misunderstandings, i guess she hated me. recently, i read her blog, and found out that we are really living in 2 different worlds. but i hope she's happy though. she was the one who was always so popular. she was the one who brought me to town to know new friends. she was the one who converted a very introvert Qi to one who's more outgoing now. without her, i guess i will be an uber toot nerd now.
and so, i thought of all that we did together in the past. truthfully, i cant remember much. after that incident, my memories of her faded.
but still, i tear-ed. i wanted to cry so much. so much had happened to me these past few years. i cant seem to find a "best friend" now.
alright, enough of emotional stuff.
as promised, i need to thank some people who had been with me for 2005.
daddy, mummy and pommy ; they are the ones who will always be there for me. though sometimes we do quarrel (except with pommy, of course), i still love them alot! (:
englong ; he's my dearest. (: i love him. thanks for being with me thru the darkest times of my life. stay strong, my dear! endure! i'll always be out here waiting for you! take care in thailand, okay? LOVE~
yanyi ; dear girl. we havent been talking. sigh :( i just want you to know, i'll always be here for you. i really miss you alot alot. :(
charissa ; pretty. you've always been the strongest in our clique. 2005 was a bad year for you, i guess. hope 2006 will be a much better year! we need to meet up soon!
michelle (wang) ; lovely dear~ i miss you alot! we live so near to each other, but we havent been meeting each other! :( take care girlie! all the best for the big As!
wenbing ; sigh. I TOTALLY LOST CONTACT WITH YOU! wonder if you will see this.. anw, i heard that you're enjoying life in SP! good! haha. take care girl! dont forget us!
rena ; ahna! you arh. also another one who's enjoying life! WE NEED TO MEET UP! i miss the good ol' trombone days! haha! mass pon tanning and gossiping during band practice!
anita ; ahdua! WE LIVE BESIDE EACH OTHER ONLY LA. (with one carpark in the middle, though) but i havent been seeing you! very sad, can. take care in 2006! all the best!
cindy ; dumbdumb! cheer up! happy 2nd month to you and nic! (:
siewkay, kathy, jiaqi & peishan ; thank you all. im not that heartless as to forget all of you, afterall, we have had happy times tgt. all the best for 2006. study hard.
sherrie ; thank you. and take care of yourself.
weiwei ; dumbpig! wonder if you'll see this. haha. thanks for being such a great friend, THIS FEW MTHS. oh well, we barely talked last time.. x:
1f05 ; hey guys! happy new year!
nh1/4 2/4 ; take care & all the best!
nh 3/7 4/7 ; we need to visit poon, pandian, wangjianping, siew andd.. chng soon! (:
li huiling must be there cursing me. wondering why i nvr put her name. lolll!
WE HAVE BEEN FRIENDS FOR.. 3 years now! haha. been through alot with you! i even gave you my first time, staying over at somebody's house. ( WHAT WERE YOU GUYS THINKING? ) the past few mths spent with you was abit les. but fun! haha. hope we'll stay like that forever. do tolerate my weird temper! I LOVE YOU! and my new found friend, jialing! haha. she's a lovely girl. (:
HAPPY NEW YEAR ONE AND ALL! may the new year bring good tidings to all of you out there! (: