Monday, February 27, 2006
11:07 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
two papers down! two more to go! (:
mst1 wasnt too bad - well, at least i know how to do most of the questions. f*ck matrix. im so pissed with matrix.
mbio sucked big time. the paper was today. and i think im screwed. damn. i dont wanna retake this frigging module.!! God bless me!
tomorrow's physiological systems - hope it'll be good.
anw, i studied with sandy and peien after mbio paper. studied at KAP. :D sandy left after a while. peien and me continued studying till 9pm. HOHO. studied quite alot! non-stop for about 4 hours. anw, peien studied till she went mad. i ordered apple pie at around 8pm. finished it, and left its packaging at the side. she asked how much is the PINEAPPLE. i was like, 'HELLO. this is APPLE PIE.' so she was malu-fied. and insisted on calling it PINEAPPLE, this was what she did,

#*&%(@!% she called it apple pine instead. diao~ being a stubborn, she asked again 'so how much is the pineapple?' i almost fainted. o.o"
anw, evidence of me studying,

oh, my physio lecturer once said that physio is actually an interest module, that means, we study for the sake of studying. wanna know why its an interest module?

arhahaha. of cuz, there are labelled images of both the male and female reproductive system. LOL.
tralallaa. im so utterly bored. gonna wake up early tomorrow to finish the rest of my revision.!
(: im gonna get ma pretty dress this weekend! wee! :D
Thursday, February 23, 2006
12:45 AM$BlogItemDateTime$>
ive been studying for the exams.
poof. 4 core modules + 2 interdisciplinary studies modules.
well, at least the 2 IS modules are not tested.
4 core modules include Microbiology, Inorganic & Physical Chemistry, Physiological Systems and Mathematics & Statistics 1.
for a person with no biology background, i think microbiology and physiological systems get on my nerves. hurhur.
math&stats is alright, except for stats, of course. stats is killing me. mean, median, mode. SS(X), SS(Y). wth.
IPC - hurhur. all the calculations. the constants. the formulae. kill me.
dear has been rather moody nowadays, too many things for him to do in OCS. preparation for his commisioning. poor guy. im like, so useless. boo. but i still love him. really.
anyway, ive got a picture of the NYP girl involved in the sex scandal. she's quite pretty, actually. blame it on herself for losing her handphone.
come to think of it, when i trade in my Sony Ericsson K700i for my Nokia N70, i forgot to delete the videos.
aww, c'mon. videos of Pommy, what were you thinking?
haha. anw, i took loads of pictures of Pommy using my new phone. muahahas. finally have something to flaunt.
anw, i think poly students are the rich one. we possess a laptop each! and pay thousand of dollars every semester! one semester consists of about 4 months or so? hahaha. our notes are like, thick. and we have many modules to take. we spend money on our "uniform" too. and we own gadgets, such as handphones and mp3s.
okok. im not saying that other students dont have them. but yea, we have a laptop.
being in poly made me become SO DAMN BROKE. okay, not like i wasnt broke before i went to poly.. x:
oh, and i heard that SP's implementing the laptop system from this year onwards, for the new batch of students.
AHH. i wanna change my laptop. it has got so many scratches, due to the stupid charger's plug.
okay, im off. gotta go continue doing math. after that, off to bed~
Monday, February 20, 2006
9:03 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
oh gosh. im a true-blue blog-der, as defined as the blogger, XiaXue. i read damn alot of blogs.
i was bloghopping today, and i found out that studies really matter alot. many of my friends' friends are around my age, but they're already married, and pregnant with kids! gosh. and yes, most of them dropped outta school, usually secondary school. so you see, making the right friends in secondary school matters alot! of course, you have to know when to play and when to study, you've to organise your time well.
uh huh. of course, there're people who manage to slap themselves and pull themselves outta the 'oh no, im getting bad.' course. i talked to this junior today, and im really happy for her. she no longer clubs. no longer hang out with those typical ah lians/ah bengs you see on the street. she's scoring As for her subjects! :D even the guys she like changed! as in, she used to like those lil 'yandao bengs'. haha. now? she likes ACJC guys!
anw, i heard many many weeks ago about the Nanyang Polytechnic sex scandal. i think news broadcasters are slowpokes. now then report about it. hoho. NYP has had quite alot of scandals i think. dont believe me? go yahoo and type 'NYP sex scandal'. anw, for people who are in possession of the girl's sex video, DO NOT, i repeat, DO NOT, send it to others. cuz according to the law, once you're in possession of such a video, you've to delete it, and not send it around. neither can you broadcast it on your blogs / websites.
ohh. and dear's commisioning soon~!!~ haha. i'm finally able to attend his sort-of graduation ceremony. lol. its in march~ im going to the commisioning dinner & commisioning ball.~ ive to go get a pretty dress soon. heh heh.
poopoo. exams are next week! arhh~
prac exam
Thursday, February 16, 2006
6:52 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
PEOPLE. TAG.boo. had inorganic practical exam today. woohoo. hope can do well arh.. :D
im so bored, rarrrhs.
i wanna kill
somebody. promised to contact me, but
somebody never did. POOP.
talked to a long-lost friend, congyuan, today. cuz he smsed a VERY WEIRD sms to me yesterday. haha.. talked abit. I DONT FRIGGING KNOW HOW HE LOOK LIKE. poop.
and why are there so many murder cases these few days? brr. sends shivers down my spine. rarrhs. im going to ACJC fun-o-rama with dear, together with huiling, this saturday. :D after that, dear and me are going out. wee~
i need ta study!
but where's my
ask me out to study, will
you? you. you. you. BOO.
hahha. im too bored, you see. POOP. :(
i hate it when people break their promises to me. i feel cheated.
valentines day special
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
8:09 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
valentines special
the sweetest things a guy can do.
as you know, ive had quite a few ex-es. so yea, let me talk about the sweetest things some of them have ever done for me.
1) one of them folded 365 hearts for me, and put them in a glass heart-shaped bottle. (: lovely guy. but too bad, the bottle broke.
2) one of them asked me down during mid-autumn's festival. walked quite a distance. saw these candles. formed in a heart shape, and my name YuQi in the centre. its damn pretty! haha. guitar was prepared, but i ran away before he and his friends could sing. HAHAHA. x:
actually, the sweetest thing one can ever do, is to just show plenty of love, care and concern for their loved ones. its a fabulous feeling to be loved, and to love.
thru these years, ive met some guys who seem so tough outside, but they are willing to do everything they can, just to make their girlfriends happy. this applies to the girls as well.
haha. this valentines day, im without a date cuz dear's in camp. haha.
went over to PJC after my lessons. rot with huiling, mark, desmond and weiwei.
oh btw, i think fate is a wonderful thing.
1) my secondary school friend
W, likes this girl,
S, from the same CCA. i knew
W for 2 years plus and coincidentally,
S is my primary school friend. we were in the same class from primary 2 to primary 6. wonderful, aint it? haha.
2) years ago, when i was just a sec1 student, i indulged in the then-cool thing, the mIRC. lol. i nt to #yiss, the channel of the school my ex was in. i was having a crush on him then. so yea, i thought this guy
aH`bEn was him. stupid mistake, it seems. but after chatting with aH`bEn, whose name is
benedict, we never stopped chatting. we may not be damn close, but there's sth b/w the 2 of us that allows us to click so well. (: he will always be my loved one. oh, and so far, we only met each other ONCE. haha.
3) years ago, when i was in sec2, i saw this shuai ge in school. asked seniors who he was,
Englong, my present boyfriend. haha. msged him to ask him some stuff. he never knew how i looked like, till the day we got together. amazing, aint it? we didnt talk for about a year, till one day before we got together. since then, we've been together. (:
4) as for
Huiling, i used to think that this pretty girl from class 1/6 is just a vase. haha. attractive to the guys. but ever since knowing her, we have been crapping. esp after
that incident happened, we learnt to cherish our friendship more. (: she will always be my loved one too~ (:
oh well, of course there are much more examples. fate is such a queer thing.
haha. (: this valentines, i wanna thank all my friends for being with me.
englong: thankyou for loving me. and reassuring me.
huiling: thankyou for being such a great friend.
benedict: like you said, we'll always be the best of friends. ma soulmate. haha.
weiwei: sillypoke. all the best. (:
anita: poke. cheer up. we've been together for more than, 10 years? haha.
charissa: lovely girl. may you and mark last for eternity.
wenbing: wonder if you'll see this, but all the best to you. I MISS YOU!.
michelle: dearest girl. i miss you alot! hope you're doing fine. drop by my house one day kae? or meet up for coffee at plaza.
yanyi: pretty. i'll always be here. thankyou for being there all the time.
rena: i miss the good ol' trombone days! arh~
(: oh btw, i changed my blogskin. got this fr blogskins.com my personalised skin will be up prolly in march -- my long awaited holidays!
hahaha. (:
happy day (:
Monday, February 13, 2006
11:35 AM$BlogItemDateTime$>
yesterday was a happy day!
woke up in the morning, charged my SE k700i.
went to bukit panjang plaza Singtel's shop to change phone! wanted to buy v3i at first, but they didnt have stock. so went to causeway point instead. went to the shop, and decided to get a n70 instead! (: sis and i got the twin package n70. the first phone is $498 and the second is $298. which means, each phone costs only $398! :D signed up for Singtel line. sis and i each paid $150. i trade in my SE k700i. mum paid for the rest! :D:D:D
so now! lets take a look at my new phone!

haha. sorry arh, dont have a picture of my phone. this is from the
website. whaha.
anyway, rushed home after getting my new phone. bathed and changed. then took a cab down to dear's house.
yesterday was dear's gong gong's birthday! wished gong gong a happy birthday. so many people there lor. then all of us went down to have dinner. (: dear and me sat with gonggong, his mummy and few other adults. rarrh. so stressed la. they kept feeding me! was so damn full.
then dear had to leave to book in. so his mummy drove him to OCS. while i took bus home cuz didnt want to trouble his mummy.
wees. happy day! (:
am now in school. poopoo. having computerised math test later. wish me luck!
Friday, February 10, 2006
9:35 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
am finally here to update. using my main computer at home cuz the darn router screwed up and i cant use my laptop to come online.
hmms. new year was fabulous. all the FOOD! :D new clothes and all (:
visited mdm poon. talked cock. visited rena! finally! a trombone reunion. played mahjong and cards. (:
hmms. my exams are coming! arghh! oh. i finished the entire episode of 我的名字叫金三顺! :D:D:D I LOVE THAT GUY. i strongly recommend all of you to watch this show. its fantastic! :D
rarrhs. im meeting hl soon! :D
i miss el. he's at a bbq now. boo.
what car am i
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
8:56 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
I'm a Chevrolet Corvette!

You're a classic - powerful, athletic, and competitive. You're all about winning the race and getting the job done. While you have a practical everyday side, you get wild when anyone pushes your pedal. You hate to lose, but you hardly ever do.
Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.
Monday, February 06, 2006
1:58 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
in school now.
fcuked up CATS ended alr.
exams are coming.
nothing much!
17th mth anniversary over alr. approaching the 18th.