boring day at home
Thursday, March 30, 2006
9:29 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
i forwarded a message to dearest yesterday. it says
"小猪问妈妈幸福在哪里,妈妈说你的尾巴上,小猪就用嘴咬着他的尾巴却总也咬不到。它沮丧的告诉妈妈自己总抓不住幸福。妈妈笑着说 “只要你往前走幸福一定跟着你。”[[ go to View>Encoding>Unicode(UTF-8) if you cant read the words]]
and guess what he replied?
"Will you follow me? Ha ha.."one. two. three. AWWWWH~
haha. i think that's really sweet of him. eh? you dont think so? haha. nvm if you dont think so, cuz what matters is that i think he's sweet. haha.
i love him. <3
so so tired
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
8:25 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
baby miguel. oldd pic. im seeing him this sunday. for my cousin's baby's first month celebration.

big headed baby! rarrhs!

and this is dearest's lil cousin! hannah! haha, she looks different now alr, i havent seen her in a while. but her mummy taught her how to call me! she knows how to say yuqi jiejie! hahah! cute!

i think this mediacorp lil girl is cute! haha. she's acting in the 9pm show.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
8:00 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
heyoos. boo. rot the entire day yesterday. woke up and began doing housework. started by sweeping the floor. then i mopped the floor. after that, i washed the kitchen floor. scrubbed & scrubbed. POOP. perspired. haha. pommy sat outside the kitchen and watched me washed the floor. :D
after that, i bathed the silly dog. she's so naughty! she splashed water onto me by shaking her body. dumb poke. went into my parents' room, as usual, and used the hairdryer+fan to dry her.
rarrhs. was supposed to meet dearest today for dinner & movie but there isnt any movie showing at arnd 7+ pm to 8pm. so we decided not to meet today, but meet tomorrow. :D
tralalalas. anyway, time for photos to be up!
this is the salmon steak i ate at swensens that day. uber tough salmon! eeeks. but i love the potato wedges! <3

this is the guanaja, the premium coffee & the oreo mocha frappe huiling & i drank that day.

see the oreo?! :D


american cheese cake!

the graffiti on the wall of TCC cineleisure. pretty~

tadaaa! pommy sweetie! the black & white pic.

taken today! when i was eating cake. haha! look at her face!!

ball of fur! thats what dearest said when he saw this pic. lol. UBER CUTE RIGHT? :p

okie dokie. im outta here!
OH BTW! ive got my timetable alr. haha. good timetable compared to last semester's. YEAYY. im officially a year 2 alr! :D:D:D
failure to launch
Saturday, March 25, 2006
9:07 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
hellooo. HUGG ME MORE! hahaha.
woke up at 11am. x: dearest called me thrice. i msged him to tell him that i just woke up. i think he almost fainted. :p
bathed and prepared. tied my hair in a ponytail & plaits. hahaha. i like to tie funny hairstyles nowadays.
went over to clementi to meet dearest. met him at the coffeeshop near his block. ate my chilli-ketchup fishball meepok & drank ice-cream soda. simplicity~
tralallas. took train over to Plaza Singapura. we went to Times. read books. then went up to collect our tickets to Failure To Launch. we booked tickets online. :D watched the show at 3pm. it was not too bad. but i still think Yours, Mine & Ours is nicer. well, it's funnier. lol.
hmms. went to comics connection. waited for dearest to choose his comics. haha. he bought a handphone strap which i quite liked. :D sweet lil boy <3
wanted to dine at Ajisen Ramen at first, cuz i had vouchers. but i felt like eating fish. so he brought me to Swensens. i ordered Salmon Teriyaki while dearest ordered the Steak-n-Grill set. whatever its called la, i cant remember. we ordered rodeo wings too, as usual. :D ate. talked. muahas. i didnt manage to finish my meal. was too full. x: sorry dearest. wasted your money again. anw, the service at Swensens Plaza Singapura kinda sucks. the entire place is stuffy, and the air is stale. haha. music was alright. but the service there.. uh.. haha.. they take damn long to attend to a table la.
muahas. x: so evil of me. i prefer the service at Swensens Bukit Panjang Plaza. haha. they're efficient. the air conditioning is just right. :D
tralalals. next saturday is April Fools Day, as well as, our 19th monthsary! -clapclap- more to come! neverending~ x:
lalalallalalalals. so utterly bored. shall go read Karin the comic. na na na. and finish reading the book i borrowed fr the library - the Baby Squad. i strongly recommend this book. its so scientific. all about the evolution of human. the use of our knowledge of DNA and genetics to produce the
"perfect" babies. the future where people born of natural birth are labelled as the
Abnormals, while the
"perfect" babies are known as the Naturals. where people apply for a baby to be produced in the laboratories. where potential parents are screened, and ranked according to their education level, and their social status to decide what kind of babies they are to have. where the Baby Squad eliminates women who are pregnant with kids, humiliating them in public. where anything related to natural birth are sold in the black market.
haha. Genetics. DNA. Life Sciences. my interest. my love. <3
yours, mine & ours
Friday, March 24, 2006
8:23 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
helloooo! im happyyy. hahaha.
woke up at 8.35am. on the computer, then went to bath first. finished bathing at exactly 9.01am. lol. logged in NPAL website -- one of the Ngee Ann Poly websites. clicked. closed my eyes. didnt dare to see. >_< friggin like O levels la, cuz all the exam results affect my chance of getting into university. sobbs. anyway..

muahaha! i passed. though my GPA sucks. haha.. really sucks. frigging disappointed in ipc and mst1. sobbs.
anyway, prepared. then met huiling on bus 190. went to cineleisure. :D the streets were empty! all the shops in cine 2nd floor were closed. so pathetic. went to watch Yours, Mine & Ours at 10.30am. there were only huiling, me and one couple in the theatre. lol. the show is damn hilarious!! :D i strongly recommend it. i was laughing so darn loudly. x:
went to coke lounge after the movie. had black pepper chicken with mashed potato balls. I LOVE THEIR MASH POTATO BALLS WITH BLACK PEPPER SAUCE. *melttss!
went over to heeren~ walked around. then we decided to go back to cineleisure to TCC~~~ i love TCC!! :D:D:D had a premium coffee, orea mocha frappe, a slice of guanaja and american cheese cake. tralala. we shared la. talked alot! ALOT! lol. fr friendship, to relationship.
left after many many hours. went to taka. Guess? Topshop. Isetan. Mango. loads of shop. lol. I SAW THE GUESS? WALLET I WANT!! -melttss! it costs $65.90 only people. x:
just kept walking around. muaha.
anyway! i saw loads of pple today! we saw 郭亮,黎君,阿鸿, Yiling, Eve, Michelle(Neo), ZiRu andd.. cant remember alr. ALOT OF PPLE. lol..
sianns. im gonna upload the pics some other day. too lazy to go get my handphone cable. :D
reply to tags:- cindy ; thankyou! haha. wrong. im sweet. he's bitter. x:
- rena ; thankyou! i spent some time on this!
- anita ; yea, you ought to thank me. :p haha, not entirely blissful. studies is still the most important thing in my life despite the theme of this blogskin. i want to get into university to further studies on life sciences. :D
version1.1` noir et blanc
Thursday, March 23, 2006
9:01 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
muaha. as you can see, i changed my blogskin, yet again. but this time, i made it myself. -CLAPCLAP- the picture above is the picture of dearest and i at the OCS 60/05 ECHO/BRAVO commissioning ball. yeapp. i edited it. effects are done on purpose. lol.
okay, anyway, i changed my blogskin cuz dear anita said she couldnt view the previous one on her computer. so ta-da! i got fed up. and decided to do my own blogskin. YEAY. anita's desktop sucks, though. LOL. x:
yeapps. its been a longggg week. and the most dreaded day of the holidays is tomorrow! cuz tomorrow, my results will be out! i hope i'll pass all my modules, though the probabilty is quite low at the moment. shall wake up at friggin early 8.45am and stone in front of my laptop. results will be out tomorrow at 9.00am. God bless me!!
(: was supposed to meet dearest today for dinner. but his boss robbed him away from me. SOB. his boss wanted to have lunch with his subordinates.
im meeting huiling tomorrow! after her papers. and after i see my results. we're going for a movie, and lunch. perhaps dinner, too. weiwei might be coming along! OH! i forgot to contact him. shall write again tomorrow or sth. TATA! :D
BY THE WAY! i decided to use haloscan for now. so yea, for comments, pls click on the (0) hugg thingy right below every entry! below the time. yeapps. see it? hahaha. HUGG ME MORE! = give me more comments! ps: got a lil sick of tagboard. so yea, shall put it up sometime soon i hope. LOL. :D
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
7:47 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
You Are 56% Open Minded |
 You are a very open minded person, but you're also well grounded. Tolerant and flexible, you appreciate most lifestyles and viewpoints. But you also know where you stand firm, and you can draw that line. You're open to considering every possibility - but in the end, you stand true to yourself. |
oh well, i was bored, you see..
What Your Face Says |
 At first glance, people see you as warm and well-balanced.
Overall, your true self is passionate and physical.
With friends, you seem dramatic, lively, and quick to react.
In love, you seem mysterious and interesting.
In stressful situations, you seem selfish and moody. |
dang. this is quite true, i think.
im so utterly bored. waiting for dearest to be off from his work (NS larh.) and sms me. poop.
i miss him loads. and the friggin' results will be out this friday. God bless me. please let me pass all my modules, though its quite impossible.. esp for microbiology. but damn, just let me pass la. i dont wanna waste my time retaking modules. PLEASE MY DEAR ALMIGHTY GOD!
sob. so bored. holidays are killing me. serious.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
4:50 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
yawn. this is the new blogskin. have been too lazy to create my own, so this is another temporary skin. muahas.
went to the OCS 60/05 ECHO/BRAVO commissioning ball yesterday evening. :D was feeling quite uncomfortable at first, heh, cuz im not used to functions like this.
anyway, the ball was held at the Shangri-la Hotel. its damn grand. i was absolutely impressed by the hotel's interior design. the ballroom had uber huge chandeliers. lol.
reached at arnd 6pm. had a pre-dinner party. everybody was just hanging outside the ballroom, mingling around. like some typical business functions you see on tv. lol. the guys introduced their dates to each other. blahblah. there was a palm-reading booth, a temporary tattoo booth, and some other booths to entertain us. lol. a photography studio also had a booth. dearest and i took photos there. it's super wedding-ish. the photographer made him hug me fr the back. he made us face each other too! loll. right in front of sooo many frigging people. >.<"
the ball was themed Moulin Rouge. pretty decorations everywhere, anyway, we took pictures before entering the ballroom.
damn, i cant upload pics now, i will upload ltr ok?
yup, so we went into the ballroom. sat down. and the dinner started. there were performances put up by some magician, as well as acrobatic performances. haha. videos of the ECHO wing and BRAVO wing were shown too. oh! i saw bryan chua. the NH senior. his date was jaslyn, another NH senior. hah. bryan's from BRAVO wing. dearest's from ECHO wing.
dearest's friends were damn cute. lol. koping the flowers from the table we were sitting on. eating extra shares of expensive food cuz somebody who was supposed to be sitting on our table didnt come as he was ill, reminding themselves that they paid a freaking $300++ for this ball. LOL. ah then, you think its free meh?
lol.. dearest paid for my dress too, which means he spent $500++. poor baby. nvm, he's earning $1000++ now. ALOT RIGHT? he earned about $400++ in BMTC and SISPEC. then in OCS, he earned abt $750 i think. now, as a official officer, holding quite a high post in the Headquarters of SAF, he's earning $1000++. if im not wrong.
so girls! get your boyfriends to strive for NAPFA, and get into BMT. then strive harder to get into OCS! and be an officer! haha. i heard that OCS accepts mostly JC graduates, and some poly ones.
like wth, only clever people can lead? o.o"
anyway, the ball was wonderful. i love the food. the decorations. the ambience.
it was oh-so-elegant, you know?
hahaha. dearest sent me home after that, we called for an SMRT cab. he sent me up too, cuz i didnt feel comfy taking the lift up myself at arnd 12am. lol.
trallalala. i love my dearest. <3<3<3>
OCS commisioning parade
Sunday, March 12, 2006
9:42 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
muahahas. yesterday was dear's commisioning parade. :D went over to his house at 4pm. his mummy fetched his auntie, his grandpa and me to the OCS. :D waited and waited. read the lil booket they gave us.
this is the cover of the booklet. :D

waited for about an hour! haha. took some photos too~
and that's the famous OCS sth. i forgot what it's called >.<

waited and waited, till the SAF band finally marched in!

and that's my dearest's contigent. :D

i forgot which contigent are these..

and this is the SAF band marching outta the parade square!

dearest with his gong gong! i wonder whr he was looking at. >.<""

and those lil figures there are the SAF officer graduands! hahaha. they just threw their caps or whatever you call that. they were crazy! hahaha!

anyway, the guest of honour is some MP.. i forgot his name. >.<" i'll go check it out. hahaha.
after the parade, dearest went to the Dining Hall with gong gong and mummy. while auntie and me went to the Warrior's Hall. sad! they only allow 2 family members/friends/girlfriend/whoever to sit with the officer graduands, so obviously, i told him to bring his gong gong and mummy. his auntie and i went to have buffet instead, while they had western dinner. my buffet was some indian food which sucked.
auntie and i had to wait for about an hour for dearest, gong gong and his mummy to finish their dinner. we almost died of boredom. loll.
finally! managed to talk to my dearest. he's like, uber uber uber handsome yesterday! i was melting. hahahaa. x:
his mummy drove gong gong and auntie home first. then drove dearest and me back to bukit panjang. wanted to go home at first, but dearest said he wanted to spend more time with me (cuz he hasnt been spending time with me for the past 2 weeks cuz of the commisionning parade) so, we went to the pasar malam opposite bukit panjang plaza.
:D:D:D im flooding in his lovee.
arhaha. anw, i took pictures with him. his mummy and auntie took pictures with dearest too. but the pictures are in his mummy's dcam, they're not with me. i'll upload them when i get them kae?
and he loves me too. hahahahhaha.
ps: those pictures above are taken using my beloved n70. (: some are quite blur cuz those guys were moving! duh~
Sunday, March 05, 2006
9:21 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
that's a sigh of relief. exams are over! hahahahha. im praying that i pass all my modules.
it's the holidays now!! :D 7 weeks. hohoho. school reopens on the 23 april. hahaha and its the 5 march now. HAHAHAHAHAH.
now, aint you JC people jealous of me?
lol.. dont be~ cuz ive to study one more year that you. lol.
i bought my pretty dress already~~ together with a pretty shawl to tie around the neck. and a very cute handbag. all of them from the deisgner label, Daniel Yam. HOHO. dear spent more than a hundred on them! :p
holidays. boo. ask me out okay?
and if there're any part time jobs available, let me know~
thank you people! MUACKKS.
9:21 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
that's a sigh of relief. exams are over! hahahahha. im praying that i pass all my modules.
it's the holidays now!! :D 7 weeks. hohoho. school reopens on the 23 april. hahaha and its the 5 march now. HAHAHAHAHAH.
now, aint you JC people jealous of me?
lol.. dont be~ cuz ive to study one more year that you. lol.
i bought my pretty dress already~~ together with a pretty shawl to tie around the neck. and a very cute handbag. all of them from the deisgner label, Daniel Yam. HOHO. dear spent more than a hundred on them! :p
holidays. boo. ask me out okay?
and if there're any part time jobs available, let me know~
thank you people! MUACKKS.
adeline ; yuqi15/o8/1988
ngee ann poly ; biotech
attached - since oh one oh nine oh four
good food. music. teevee. englong.