Saturday, April 29, 2006
9:32 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
oh yes, im still sick, but i feel obliged to blog for all you lovely readers. lol.
first week of lessons was okay
la. but damn
suay, sick on a long weekend. *#$(&@(**#&@ anw, ABC (analytical biochemistry) is officially condemned by me. cuz of the 20 amino acids, as well as the messy notes he types. furthermore, he doesnt print notes for us to buy at the Co-Op. -.-
practical's damn fun. did extraction of chromosomal DNA of
E.Coli for ACMB. heh. and for CCTA, we've to culture cells. this module will be based on the mid-sem common test, end-sem exams, and our cells. we've to check on them everyday. hohoho. the people from module 2.1 are handling live mice already! (@$&!%$)*@&% i'll freak out seeing the mice. im okay with their faces & body, but i just cant stand their bloody long tails. -.-"
oh well, below is a picture of my ACMB lecturer. peien and i were too bored. :D

i had Events Management on thursday, was late on the first lesson. whaha. :D there's a cute guy in my class, his name is donn, i think.
sat beside this girl called Soh Hoon, im in the same group as her. when i first sat beside her, i was thinking that she looked familiar, but i didnt ask her anything
la. until we got so bored and started chatting at the back of the class, she told me that i looked familiar! haha! we were so hyped up
la. trying to recall where we met each other. lol. but couldnt find any obvious links, 'cept that boonheng is her primary schoolmate. but quite impossible that i knew her through him.
Events Management is damn cool, i tell you. we've a mentor, so he's just there for the sake of being there. LOL. each group is supposed to plan an event, and carry it out. we can charge people for it, we can affiliate ourselves with those taking Entrepreneur, or even companies outside school. :D my group decided to organise an educational outing for the kids at the Ngee Ann Childcare Centre. we damn steady
lor. we went to talk to the Principal of the childcare centre right after we were dismissed. and she agreed! so we're gonna write a proposal, and plan the budget & stuff for her. bringing the kids to the Bird Park! wayyyy cooool!
went home at 12pm, and met shuling at around 3pm to return her 10bucks. borrowed a book at BPP library. waited till 5+pm when huiling was dismissed. met her and went to CCK to make my ez link. we had dinner at sakae too! dumbdumb weiwei didnt come. lol. we wanted him to sponsor us. x:

the sakae teaaa!
we had 50bucks in total, so yea, had to count properly before ordering. lol the bill came up to be only $31.65. lol. we ordered a teriyaki chicken don cuz the premium plate of fried chicken kept going past us, we were so tempted to eat chicken. lol

the serving at the CCK branch is small compared to the serving at the Heeren branch. stupid us ate only the chicken, and some onion. we ate very lil of the rice, cuz we were too full after eating 8 plates of sushi.

dang, we waste $7.90++ hahha.

the 8 plates of sushi.. see, no premium (red) plates! haha!
we got bored, and did this!

whaha, wasabi for the hair. rice grains for the eyes. onions for the nose, moustache and mouth. lol. sakae should make this their mascot or something.
ordered a mini choc chip ice-cream at the end of the meal. $2.30 only. haha.. we're so budget. >.<

so we spent $15 bucks each! :D that was what i brought that day, excluding the money for making the ezlink.

took many pictures, but huiling looked retarded in all of them. *#*)*#)%$&^(# so im left with this.

me! on thursday afternoon, before falling ill yesterday. :(

ending the entry with the beloved dogg! she was lying beside me while i was taking my nap on thursday, before meeting shuling & huiling. :D
long entry yea? to make it up for yesterday, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow.
im sick, but im still going for the 4/7 class gathering at huiling's house. going earlier with weiwei to slack at her house. (: hell, they're gonna bbq, while i will be eating porridge her maid is cooking for me. :(
and monday's labour day. first of may. the 20 monthsary! :D:D:D
anw, went to dearest's house today to print my tutorials, & lecture notes. :D nice him sent me home. :D:D:D hannah's so cute. :D:D:D
Friday, April 28, 2006
9:16 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
im sick.
1st day at school
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
9:12 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
rarrhs! i wrote a longg entry yesterday, but blogger just had to die on me. fcuk. so yea, im here once again, to tell all of you abt my first day at school.
im taking 4 core modules and a Interdisciplinary Studies (IS) module this semester.
1) Analytical Biochemistry (ABC)This subject introduces fundamental biochemical concepts and practices. The module includes three major sections, viz: protein chemistry, enzymology, and metabolism. Analytical techniques such as UV spectrophotometry, thin layer chromatography, dialysis, size exclusion chromatography and polyacrylamide electrophoresis are used to study enzyme kinetics, proteins and amino acids.my ABC lecturer is a angmoh-cheena, Dr Forday Wayne Lee. i dont really like him. his notes are so.. -.- haha. 4 hours of lectures, 3 hours of practical and 1 hours of tutorial every odd week.
2) Cell Culture & Tissue Applications (CCTA)This module introduces students to a detailed study of the techniques and applications of animal cell culture. Topics include preparation of media, cell viability checks, passaging of inherent cells, cryopreservation, cloning and mycoplasma assays. Tissue engineering and rapid prototyping are also taught.CCTA is taught by Dr Gordon Lee. he's okay
la.. hahaha.. we only have 1 hour of his lecture every week. no tutorials. 3 hours of practical, he says we've to check on the cell experiments everyday at the laboratory. -.-"""
3) InstrumentationStudents learn about the workings of various analytical instruments – gas liquid chromatography, high-performance and low-pressure liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, and atomic absorption spectroscopy.taught by Ms Ong Li Hui. my lecturer for Inorganic and Physical Chemistry last semester. one word to describe this module, BORING. rarrh! 3 hours of lectures weekly, and 3 hours of practical. no tutorials.
4) Advanced Cell & Molecular Biology (ACMB)Students are introduced to prokaryotic and eukaryotic genetics at the molecular level. Topics include protein synthesis, regulation of gene expression in microorganisms, gene mutation, DNA repair mechanisms, and applications of gene manipulations in microorganisms. Also covered are generation and isolation of target DNA fragment, insertion of target DNA into vectors, transformation of E. coli competent cells, identification of recombinant clones, protein expression of target DNA, and the concept of how cells undergo apoptosis or become tumorous.my lecturer for this module is Dr Choy Weng Keong. he's 30plus years old, less than 35. but he alr got a phD. damn. he must have spent the last 30 - 4 = 26 years of his life studying. kudos to him! haha. he's okay
la.. but his lectures are a tad too boring. >.<" 3 hours of lectures, 3 hours of practical and an hour of tutorial every odd week.
5) ISim taking events management this sem. hopefully all will be well this semester!
1st day of year 2, met sandy, peien, eunice and jinjie for lunch at KAP and we went to school together. (:
anw, dearest & i met huiling to study at KAP on sunday. haha. quite a fruitful trip, i must say. took some photos.

i was darn tired.. haha. stupid smile. o.o"

sandy, peien & me during ACMB lecture. :D

close up. sandy's face
kena cut! :D

enns traced the baby taz on my foolscap cover. :D
pooppp. i was so tired after 6 hours of practical and 1 hour of lecture today. came home at 5pm and collapse on the bed. slept till 8pm. dearest just reached home then, he had a meeting with big shots again, i think..
meeting my 4/7 classmates on sunday for a class bbq. :D its been so long since we met up. in fact, our class is so not-united.. haha.. quite sad actually, esp when it was the last 2 years of our secondary school lives. not much fond memories. but yea, at least we've grown up now. the past grudges cant be held on forever, can they? i can forgive, but i cant forget. esp those nasty things that happened within a clique i thought was worth being in. but hell, it's over. haha. having the bbq at huiling's condo. :D hl & i thinking of having a stayover, just me and her
la, duh.
but that means that his brother has to surrender his room to us, while he sleeps at her room with their grandma. hahaha. x: oh well, im considering la. cuz next monday, is the First of May, which is dearest & my monthsary! weeees! :D:D:D i loveee himmm.
dang! i just remembered sth, ABC lecturer, Dr Forday Wayne Lee, said we've to memorise the
STRUCTURES of 20 amino acids, as well as memorise which category they belong to! :( this sucks!
Saturday, April 22, 2006
9:53 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
went out with my dearest today! :D went up to his house for a while, lil hannah was so happy to see me. whahaha. x:
went to cineleisure and bought tickets to The Wild. had lunch at kobayashi. the show was at 5.30pm, so it was still early. went to kinokuniya to hunt for books. :D i didnt find any i liked, but dearest did, he bought an entire series of comics. o.o" he spent abt 50bucks on comics today. :O
went to the library@orchard. :D looked for books. i borrowed a book by William Bernhardt - Criminal Intent. i love, love, LOVE, LOVEEEE (okay, i think you get the idea) suspense stories. esp those related to religion and stuff.
the book --
"Defending radical priest Father Daniel Beale, the prime suspect in the brutal murder of a female parishioner, is the most difficult case of Ben Kincaid's career. Even as Father Beale struggles to escape the shadow of suspicion, another woman is savagely slaughtered. And this time, Ben himself discovers Beale literally red-handed... with the blood of the victim. In his heart and in his guy, Ben knows Father Beale is innocent. But proving it means taking a leap of faith that will plunge Ben into the whirlpool of dark secrets and darngerous intentions that surround St. Benedict's. And ultimately, it will force the idealistic attorney to confront the chilling face of evil in the most unexpected of places..."
im halfway thru the book. :D read it @ the library till around 4pm. im addicted to it. WIllaim Bernhardt writes damn well
la. anw. there's another book called "Practice Run" by.. i forgot who. it's really nice too. its about a game which programmes kids to kill religious leaders, then commit suicide themselves. haha. sick, i know. but the suspense and everything is really, darn cool
haha.. anyway, i remember in one of my Interdisciplinary Class in Year One Semester One, each of us had to give a speech on a topic. and i chose the topic homosexuality.
uhh. apparently, i found out that some of my friends turned "crooked". alright, im not against them or what, but yea.. i still have some reservations against homosexuality. basically, i was bloghopping, as usual, and i found my NP FOC'o5 campmate's
blog. and then, i hopped again, and i found a gay couple's blog. and they are so-not-discreet inside their blogs. yes, i know that's love to them, but it's not to those anti-homosexuals. boo.
ermms. i shall not link them, lest they kena bombarded with meaningless comments. just leave them alone kae? (: im okok (50% here, 50% there) with homosexuality
la.. anw, their blog links to another gay couple's blog. and yea! i agree with what this couple says,
"CASE STUDY 1 : (example)
if you think that "man should ONLY "love" female"-i my view,
thats a very shallow way of thinking. in other words, it jus simply means
"cock should only be match to a pussy.."
you only think about SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX.
never open up and feel what is love. true love.
then why not school teachers jus simply teach
their student that "man should only fuck a female's pussy.."
aint that also consider as BAD MORAL VALUES?
think again.
CASE STUDY 2 : (example)
WOMAN are used to be a lower class compared to man.
some old religion and our old tradition proves it too.
often old traditional says that
-woman must stay at home and look
after the house, they cannot work in the
"exposed" world.
-woman should follow what their husband
says, and not able to have any objection.
- etc.. and manymore.
why woman nowdays want to have equal rights?
why woman (a role used to be of a lower caste) now
want to fight and be as powerful as man?
if woman can fight for their rights
and break the thinking of the old tradition
and old minds..
why cant we gays do the same..?" hmm.. fight for your own beliefs people! haha. homosexuality is a very sensitive topic, so yea.. hahahha. i also dont know what to say alr.
anw! went to TCC with dear after leaving library. i met my cousin outside the library anyway. haha. he's so silly, he was like "horhor, i tell your mummy." i was like, duh. my parents met him before alr. and his family met me before
la. ordered Passion Dream, Orea Mocha Frappe and Golden Jubilee at TCC. ohh. ordered guanaja too! sorry, no pictures today! cuz i was too busy reading my book, dear was reading his comics.
about The Wild. its really cuteeee. i like the lion cub! :D:D:D and the squirrel & giraffe pak-toh-ing.! thats like, so cute la! see! can accept squirrel & giraffe pak toh, cannot accept homosexuals. bibibabibu.
lol. im crazy alr la.
i better log off before i say anything offensive, maybe i alr did. ahh. whatever. haha.
im on the phone with him right now.! :D
Friday, April 21, 2006
8:18 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
rarrhs! huiling told me that she always laugh after reading my entries.
WHY?!very funny
and jin says my entries are getting more interesting.
last time
very sian one ah?
alot of weird people have been adding me on friendster. o.o
esp xiao didis.
anw, there's this guy from PJC. elson, nelson. whatever his name is. apparently, he has a fanclub. and this fanclub has a friendster account. and they added me.
LIKE WTH?! i dont even know that elson/nelson! neither have i heard his songs before. are they that desperate for fans? o.o" no offence ya, but i feel darn weird to have fanclubs adding me. shouldnt it be me adding them on friendster?
rarrrhs. nobody tags me. 'cept jin! haha. she's so free. :p or maybe she loves me too much. whahas. JUST KIDDING, jin!
i go watch teebee
liao. byebye.
tag more okay. :D
ps: meeting my dearest tomorrow! :D:D:D
dearest's bday celebration
Thursday, April 20, 2006
11:38 AM$BlogItemDateTime$>
edited 20apr 3.01pm;
HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY YANYI! :D hope you'll be happy always! and may all your wishes come true! say goodbye to troubles! smileee! :D:D:D dang! new semester, means have to pay school fees again. rarrhs! $1,140.30 for like, 6 semesters? dangggg! i must go join a cca and use the school facilities! GRRR! one thousand bucks leh. that's like, more than what my mum earns every month. of course, my dad works, but its still alot
la. im not well-off. hell. paying a thousand bucks every semester. i gotta study hard! rarrrhs!
/edited 20apr 3.06pmhellooo!
whahas. im so tired la. left house at 4.30pm. took 184 to clementi, wasnt feeling very well. haha. told dearest and he told me not to go to pasir ris, instead, wait for him at clementi. but yea, i still went anyway. reached pasir ris at abt 6pm.
anw, linggs msged me a very scary msg. and she off-ed all her phones. basket. >_<" erms, i went to Ya Kun first, to eat kaya toast and iced milo. haha.. cuz i didnt have lunch, was feeling dizzy. waited till abt 6.30pm when dearest finally reached the mrt station. :D:D:D took train back to clementi. :D:D:D his mum called to ask him if he wants to go out and eat. haha. he said no. but i kept telling him i wanna eat good food. xP his mum told him to get me to go up his hse. whahas. :D went to his house. lil hannah was so excited to see me. :D:D kept playing with her while dearest bathed. after that, dearest's mummy, lil hannah's mummy, lil hannah, dearest and i went to pizza hut. :D lil hannah was so cute. she kept teasing dearest even though she's only 2 years old. when we ask her how old is korkor, she kept saying "2months old!" hahahaha. made us laughed so hard
la. my dearest is 2 mth old! whahass!
carried lil hannah home after dinner. met their neighbour in the lift. dearest's mummy introduced us to the neighbour. she pointed at dearest and said "that's my son" then she pointed and me and said "that's his girlfriend." MAN. hahahahhaah. i was so happy
la. heh heh. i dont know why
la. but it thrills me to be recognised as dearest's girlfriend. haha.
then, there was ice-cream cake from swensens! :D neapolitan ice-cream cake, i think. took photos! :D
ate, ate and ate. then went to his room, and gave him his birthday card. :D:D:D hannah came in, then her mummy came in too, tell her dont play gooseberry. diao~!!
then he sent me down to the bus stop, cuz it was arnd 9.30pm alr. :D he couldnt send me home, cuz he has to work today. im considerate
ok. lol..
thankyou huiling for wishing him happy birthday! haha.
time for some photos!

i took this at home. eeyore and our rings! :D his ring is with him cuz i help him to polish. that evilpoke's ring was so rusty. -.-"

ice-cream cake! :D:D

boyfriend with lil hannah, his gonggong, and his mummy! the cup has dry ice in it. haha. lil hannah was so amazed. lol.

twenty! oldpoke. :p but i still love him!

my boy and lil hannah! she thought it was her birthday. haha. cute lil girl!

ta-da! dearest! :D:D:D
im off to buy lunch! tata!
pasir ris here i come
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
2:09 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
it's Ang Eng Long's 20th birthday!
Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday to Dearesttt,
Happy Birthday to You!!
was on the phone with him last night till 11.30pm. till he decided that he was too tired. haha. i stayed up anyway, and called him when it was 12am. :D he sounded like a zombie. gees.
woke up at 6+am today, cuz i had a stomachache. >=( dearest was surprised that i msged him so early in the morning. poke.
slept, and woke up again at 9am. :D:D:D
gonna go prepare at around 3pm, then go down to Bukit Panjang Plaza to have my late lunch, alone. then take train allllll the way to pasir ris.
bukit panjang lrt --> choa chu kang mrt --> jurong east mrt --> pasir ris mrt
gosh. must change so many times. >_<"
or should i take bus to town? then change to train?
i'll think abt it ya. hahaha. dinner with his family (prolly.)
rainy day
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
5:05 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
boo. its been raining so much. staring right outside, the raindrops fall non-stop, the view is blurred, the rain howls, the sky is all gloomy.
people holding umbrellas, trying their best to fight the wind, and the rain. but victory seems impossible to achieve.
God roared, lightning strike.
my heart sank. my life seems so direction-less, if there's such a word. for two semesters, ive been getting 2.4 for my GPA, and that sucks. how am i going to get into university with this kinda shit results.
im gonna try my best to get at least 2 As next semester. dont put me down, even before i try. shut up if you think i cant make it, cuz im gonna prove you wrong. the NP web featured a Biomedical Science senior who went straight to medical school. that's oh-so-rare la. in fact, it's almost impossible to go straight to medical school. cuz for us, we've to pursue another 2/3 years to get of Biotechnology/Biomedical Science Degree before we can go onto medical school.
listening to Daniel Powter's Bad Day just make me feel worse.
gosh. i sound so pessimistic. stab me.
lunch today was fried rice with a sunny side-up & hotdogs. dinner's gonna be mee rebus mummy brought home from the school. nutrition-less food. -shakes head- in case you were wondering, i cooked lunch myself. yes, bloody hell, i cook okay.
rarrhs. it's dearest's birthday tomorrow. (: wishin' him an advanced happy birthday here! i doubt he will see this though. haha.. yea, gonna countdown with him, i cant go over to his house later, parents are strict. so we gotta do it thru the phone. :( but im going over to his house tomorrow. gonna fetch him from work. erm, fyi, he works far far away at pasir ris, it'll take me 2 damned hours to travel there. haha. but im doing it all for him! :D it's his birthday ma. am prolly bringing him some herbal tea too, since he hasnt recovered. whahas. gonna force it down his throat, like how he did to me when i was sick! >_<
i love him loads. :D ah, i know you are sick of hearing this, but i just gotta say it again
ciaos. im gonna watch my teevee alr. (:
reply to tags :anita ; yup, adriano's cute. especially when he sang Alex's song.
gim ; ive been doing nothing at home. enjoy? zz..
yanns ; i havent been hearin from you. how's stuff over ur side?
6T ; yeap. its in the links. haha.. and in one of my previous entries.
linggs ; its adriano
Monday, April 17, 2006
5:43 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
ive got difficulties editing my previous post. but yea, just wanted to say that i saw ADRIANO yesterday too! :D:D:D
dearest was a lil jealous, he was pouting while i called huiling and told her that i saw adriano. whahas. he told me to go after adriano and take picture with him. :p
silly poke!
rotted at home today. sch's reopening in a week's time. :D new class, new modules, new lecturers ('cept for one).
dearest's having a meeting with some big shot. he hates doing so. i think cuz big shots are much older (hello? my boyfriend is only 20 years old
la) and they look fierce! whahas. poor him! waiting for his sms now. :D:D:D
mummy's cooking salmon today! weee! i love the salmon mummy cooks :D:D:D
Sunday, April 16, 2006
9:00 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
edited: i forgot to add that i saw ADRIANO after alighting fr the bus! :D dearest was jealous, he pouted. whahas. so cute. <3 i love my dearest best!
heyos! had an advanced birthday celebration for dearest yesterday. :D met him at clementi mrt at around 2pm. silly poke wanted to eat fastfood cuz he was wearing long sleeves top. so we went to KFC. both of us had the shrooms burger meal.
walked to the bus stop after lunch and took 106 to town. :D wanted to go to Borders at first, but we decided to go to Plaza Singapura straight cuz it was quite late alr. went to Comics Connection and he bought some comics. went to collect our tickets for Eight Below, then we went down to Times to read books. watched the show at 4.10pm.
Eight Below is such a touching show. the plot is so-so, but the scenes of the dogs touched my heart so deeply. it felt as though it was pommy and i. i can understand the pain of that male character.! if pommy was lost somewhere, somehow, i'll be crying so hard! :( the Northen Lights were breathtaking. gosh, i cried so many times during the show. dearest was teasing me la. >_<" took train to city hall. wanted to give him a surprise by getting the dark choc drink at Godiva, but he was still sick. haha. so NO WAY WILL I ALLOW HIM TO DRINK IT! :D walked to marina sq. wanted to bring him to Waraku Restaurant, recommended by Cindy, cuz he had the cravings for ramen. but it was quite a distance away, so we decided to settle for Azabu Sabo. we were attracted by the display of desserts! :D lovely food. waited quite a while before we got the seats, right at a corner. we ordered food first - sabo ramen for him, and crab omelette udon for me. :D took a photo before the food came.

wahh! so suave right? :p I WAS WEARING RED! he was wearing red too. :p i dont know why it looks as though i was wearing pink.

the matcha tea! i love the tea. :D

the squarish thingy is the feedback form. so cute, right?

*meltss* HE'S MINE!! :p

i took this myself, and dearest was looking at me. bleahs.

and he took this for me. <3 href="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7355/389/1600/el&tea.jpg">

woots. the boyfriend drinking fr the teacup.

ta-da! here comes the food! the miso soup of the ramen smelt so nice la! i was complaining that i ordered the wrong food, cuz my soup didnt smell as nice.

and this is my crab omelette udon. i didnt regret ordering this! the udon was so Q~! hahaha. dearest's ramen was darn tasty too. he was complaining of the limited variety of ramen, but it turned out to be so good! the best so far, that we've ever tasted.

dearest told me to take out my ring, and he took out his. and ta-da!

attempting a different angle. yea baby, i edited this picture, cuz in the original picture, it was difficult to see the rings.
we finished our ramen and udon. and decided to order dessert, since Azabu Sabo is famous for their great variety of desserts. i was uber attracted to the Soft Icecream with Mango & Milk. :D

divine pleasure! <3 href="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7355/389/1600/mango2.jpg">

look at HUGE mango cubes. lol.
this dessert consists of layers of joy! the first is the soft icecream. oos. i love the icecream. after finishing the icecream, you get to the ice. and there's milk under the ice. :D not forgetting the huge mango cubes! :D:D:D

look at his face. <3 href="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7355/389/1600/eatmango1.jpg">

whaha. big mouth!


he forced me to take this picture! cuz i was laughing at his picture - the one with him and the mango.
tada! we finished our food, and left. :D tipped them too. haha. we're going there again! :D:D:D the meal costs us about 30bucks? he paid
la, cuz his girlfriend has no income. :(

last picture for the day! then he sent me to the bus stop at suntec city. (: told him to go home first, i can go home on my own, cuz he was still sick, and was a lil bit seh. no worries people! he's safe under my care. :p
yeaa. went home and bathed. we talked on the phone, as usual. (: decided to meet huiling today at KAP to study.
todaywoke up and huiling called me, told me that she's going to watch Eight Below with her cousin, so she'll be late, and might not make it. i told dearest. decided not to meet her this week. went over to clementi. wanted to study below his block at first, but he told me to go up and have lunch. studied at his place. (: not very fruitful, cuz that silly poke fell asleep after eating his medicine. i was reading my biology textbook. :D im hardworking kae. woke him up after a few hours. by then, most of his relatives were at his place already. he sent me down to the bus stop and went home to continue sleeping. :D
anyway! dearest gave me mini grapes! they are really tiny
la! i love them! :D:D:D

anyway, i was just holding onto the bowl of grapes and sitting at a corner of his room enjoying them. i didnt realise he was looking at me all the time, till he laughed. >_<" poop you! he took my phone and wanted to take my picture. BLEAHS. MEAN POKE.

but i love him loads! (: and he love me loads too! whahhahas. x: that sounds so bhb, but its true, ok!
lalas. im planning more surprises for him. sheesh. :p
funny menus
Thursday, April 13, 2006
3:55 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
hahaha. i realised that posting pictures attract more tags on my haloscan. :D so i shall post more pictures in my entries.
anyway, i just had a good laugh. i was, laughing so loudly, my neighbours must have thought im insane. LOL~ read on to find out what made me laugh hysterically. loll.
i was bloghopping, and read mr brown's blog. and then, i decided to click on the links
here and
both blogs show pictures of menus in China, if im not wrong. i saved some, and they are right below.

now, teach me how to fcuk the salt. -.-"

okay, as you guys know 干炒牛河 is actually Beef Horfun. but they translated it to Fuck to Fry the Cow River. -.-" why must one fuck to eat a plate of beef horfun? hoho. anyway, i think the 河isnt even the right he. not so sure about that anyway.

Carbon burns black bowel?
BOWEL? god, no thanks.

now, what the heck is Fresh Fruit Sand?!!
oh for Christ's sake. i cant stop laughing at all the translations. GOSH! horrible. i wonder who translated all these!!
uhh. read more at the links above kae? :D:D:D
anyway! rena, its Pommy. not pompy. -.-"""

OOOO! look! she's licking her nose! and staring at her biscuit! hahaha. cute lil thing.

hahaha. she realised i was sitting beside her, so she looked up at me. oh! did i ever mention that pommy always eats on a cloth. she'll put a mouthful of food from her plate inside her mouth, then she'll walk to her cloth and sit down. then she will savour her food. lol. :D if the cloth isnt there, she'll walk all the way to my room and sit on my bed to eat. -.-"

:D i absolutely adore this lil dog here! dont you?
how to spend a lonely afternoon
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
4:35 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
many people have been asking me this "what
the hell have you been doing during the holidays?" and then i'll reply the honest truth "slacking."
then they'll go. "OHHH. THAT'S SO GOOD
LA! i wished the holidays were here!"
and i'll start to think to myself. "wait till you have a taste of my life now."
the first month of the holiday, was all about sleeping, watching tv and mapling.
now, ive got better things to do. i decided to revamp my room. and so, i rearranged the furniture yesterday. besides rearranging the furniture in my room yesterday, i even swept & mopped the floor, washed the kitchen's floor and cleaned up my room. and now, my room is so darn clean compared to the day before yesterday. :D
okay. on a boring, lonely, hot afternoon, what can i do? usually, dearest and i will be exchanging smses. but today, he's sick, and resting at home. he dont have to go to work (NS) cuz he has a MC. so, yuqi is a friggin' lonely soul today.
and so, i ended up admiring my room. o.o"

see the circled thingy? that was a necklace from samuel kong. my first ever present from him after knowing him for 5 friggin' years? hahah. ive never worn it. cuz its too heavy for my neck to handle. anw, there's a pair of matching earrings - but they're not in the picture. oh, that's the shelf of clothes btw. i swear i tidied it. yea. LOL.

take #1 the labcoat looks unkempt.

take #2. ahh. that's the labcoat of a future biotechnician. :D lol. and the two eeyores on the top rack? from englong. the Mos Coke Bears? from englong too! the lil pink pig, ashley? also from dearest! hahaha. the blue cushion was from
6677 . anw, my books related to my modules are on the second rack. third rack has a box full of stuff from dearest. x:

this is my table. that's the lappie! and another eeyore! from dearest, too! :D on the right is a stack of notes, accumulated in year1. haha. there's also a golden swan with crystals display thingy from swarvoski, from my ex.

that's the wall on the side of my bed. pictures of dearest and me. neoprint of shuling, wanyi, jiayu and me. the macdonald thingy was from dearest. the mini bottle with folded stars on the left was from shell at the end of sec2. :D there's a heart folded using straws from macdonalds from dearest. and a disposable pipette. a rose from the OCS commissioning ball. a picture of huiling and me! and a pufferfish picture charissa and i koped from a drawing book in JE popular. LOL. i still remember that. x:

the wall on the side of my table. class pictures in primary 2 and 3. pictures of me and my then best friends when i was pri1, celebrating one of their birthdays. a picture of me at the end of K2. and a picture of me in sec1. as well as, the band SYF 2003 picture. :D

i dug out my photo album. and walked down memory lane..

pictures of me in the photo album.

dreamz! pictures of the four of us - charissa, wenbing, me and michelle. (: i miss them alot. esp shell and bing. i havent seen them since we graduated from nh
la, except during times i visit nh.

i wrote our names on this magazine cutting. sorry, the c for chari's name disappeared. lol. i didnt take the picture properly. x:

band! haha. this was during the period of SYF! haha. fcukin' ugly

i had some concerns posting this up (cuz of nonsense people who will start sprouting rubbish). but hell, they were once a part of my life. none of us expected this ending (or did we?) hell, the days together were indeed fun, nobody can deny that. now that we know what each of us is like, parting may the best solution afterall. our lives no longer intertwine. nono. im not feeling sad about it. in fact, i feel glad, that ive let go of this burden. what for stay as friends when all you do is backstab each other? hell, i still have dumbdumb huiling with me anw! hahaha. and that's a bloody good thing! :D

o3. o4. and part of o5. haha. friends forever? nar. what a lie. friends. for only a short period of time, in my life. but yea, these have all become part of my memory. afterall, we're really different. and ive got true friends who cherish and love me for who i am. and most importantly, we trust each other.

on a hot afternoon, a bottle of peach tea, and my laptop makes me happy!

oh, and of course, my lil companion!

i took all the above pictures today. (:
yea, that was how i spent my afternoon. right now, im going to catch my show on SCV. (:
rena: hell! pretty,
too? im not pretty. neither is my sis! lol.
chunjin: uhhh. she looks like my mum. and i look like my dad. my character's like my mum's. and her character is like my dad's. genes. -shakes head- and yea, if she looks like mum, and i look like dad, and dad & mum looks completely different, how can we possibly look alike?! lol.