Wednesday, May 31, 2006
11:02 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
im so lonely tonight. no phone calls from dearest. SOB. cuz he's still at a meeting with some big shots. NS is so ()$*#@)^$@^
and tomorrow's our 21st month anniversary! =D
im uber tired today. and restless. ive no idea why. felt bloated the entire day. you know what i mean? like a bloody puffed-up pufferfish!
dangdang. dearest wanted to take a day off tomorrow, since he's having meeting till late at night (indeed.. -.-). also, it's our monthsary, and i dont have to go to school!
but i think he's having ANOTHER meeting tomorrow. BULLLL CRAP!
i think im so gonna die for the common tests. i cant seem to get myself to sit down and study. i can only sit in front of my damned laptop surfing the net and maple-ing. (#*)#(!_$(.
i surf friendster. so lame, right? and bloghop. gosh. no life kid.
oh btw LI HUILING. there's such thing called msn / friendster / handphone in this world. and i know you possess all three of them. so if you wanna talk to cindy plsplspls, flood her on msn / her blog / her friendster / her handphone. (you're so right abt the part that i'll scold you)
im in a very moody-mode.
dont come and piss me off. if not i'll fart in your face.
oops. so obscene.
RARRHS. im so tired. should i stay up and wait for his call? or should i just tuck myself into bed.? and dream of all the good food in the world.
chunjin: thanksthanks. haha.. i didnt think it rhymed anyway.
cindy: photos please.
brian: stalker teo. =D and whats up in your blog entries? what's making what worse? share with me?
huiling: your reply is right above.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
8:50 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>

'nuff said. i spent the evening trying to edit the picture of the giraffe. boo. got it from deviantart. THANKYOU!
which means, i wasted another evening.
i didnt study today, 'cept during CCTA lecture. im halfway, or so, through ABC. and i started ACMB alr. havent touched CCTA and Instru.
and i got full marks for ABC practical quiz again! =D NOW I KNOW WHY
cuz it feels really good to top the class. most importantly, it proves that i studied! hahaha.
eh people. tag la. machiam ghosts lidat. read my blog but wanna stay anonymous. POOP. if you dont wanna tag. then dont read. SIMPLE! lol.. i get really PISSED when people who dont tag come discuss what ive blogged abt with me. it feels like im being stalked. so POOPSIE PIES, kindly tag. STH. not hi-s or bye-s. thank you very much.oh btw, STOP PISSING ME OFF BIATCH! i aint no saint. i flare up very easily. stop stepping on my toes. im not the only one who's annoyed by you! so plsplspls, get a grip of yourself. dont blabble on and on, and still think that we're oh-so-interested. THANKYOU! if you still cant figure out who im talking abt, dont bother asking me, cuz i will simply shut you up. :D maybe you'll know one day when i finally flare up! so if you wanna know, continue stepping on my toes till the day i go jeebaboom! and malufy you in front of everybody else. =D
Monday, May 29, 2006
8:02 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>

whahaas. dont ask me what happened. i just wanted to show all of you my hair. it's darn neat today. the curls arent too aunty-ish. lol. but i think i look so-not-me inside this picture. look quite feminine hor?
HAHHAA. dont puke la. and i found more nice songs. heh heh heh. =D
Always said I would know where to find love,
Always thought I'd be ready and strong enough,
But some times I just felt I could give up.
But you came and changed my whole world now,
I'm somewhere I've never been before.
Now I see, what love means.heh. nice right? :p
Sunday, May 28, 2006
6:07 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
just read cindy's blog.
and i realised i forgot to complain about watching Da Vinci Code.
the damn people wanted to check our ICs. -.-
he stopped dearest and me, and asked for our ICs. bzzz.
the most -.- thing is that, he looks like my age. and prolly younger than dearest.
we didnt know to feel honoured or pissed.. ha.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
8:43 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
i realised i havent been uploading pictures. so today, i decided to upload some pictures i never uploaded here before. =D

clockwise fr left: sandy, me, eunice & peien. they're my lunch buddies.

sandy, peien and me. taken during acmb practical. our gloves are still on. =D

me & peien! taken on her birthday. i love her! =D

look at that monster's fist. SO HUGE!! on the left is my hand. on the right is Neo Wei Wei's. was studying with him and huiling when i realised his hand is uber huge. o.o"

ugly bobo! x: she's fierce. but she was darn nice to me on 4/7 class gathering cuz i was sick. starting to like her a teeny weeny bit. she's lying beside Neo Wei Wei.

peien kiap-ing my head! visual effect. =D im drinking ribena btw.

heh heh heh. i like ACMB lab. makes me look darn fair and healthy. LOL.

mugging! peien took this. we were at KAP. look at my hair. =D scorpion~
okie. that's all for today.
hmms, woke up at 8plus in the morning. bathed and prepared. left for dearest's house cuz i wanted to play with hannah. reached but he was still sleeping, and hannah's parents brought her out alr. >=(
wanted to study at first. but i read the newspaper and realised Kinokuniya's having a 20% sale today and tomorrow. told dearest & we decided to go to town. went to cineleisure. bought tickets to Over The Hedge. and went to pastamania to have lunch. >=( i cant eat the pasta there. i think it sucks. >=(
saw daihua. haha..
ate lunch and rot around.
watched Over The Hedge. it's so, so cute! =D =D =D love it. so touching too.
went to Kinokuniya and bought stuff. =D
dangdang. it's the Great Singapore Sales! im so so so so so tempted to go shopping. but i cant!
cuz im darn broke. if only every single friend of mine donate 5 bucks to me. then i can go get my Guess wallet & tees, a white skirt, Levis Jeans, Abercombie tees fr online shopping sites.. etc.!
i wanna get an iPod Nano too. it looks so appealing. so slim and small. hahaha. or maybe i should just go upgrade my memory card, since my phone's sound quality's not too bad.
I CANT WAIT FOR MY INTERNSHIP. attachment. whatever you call it.
i wanna go overseas attachment, but that means that i'll have no pay, and nothing is sponsored. >=(
soo.. let me go for local attachement with pay of at least 400 bucks, and near my house, and not much crap to do.
arh. im dreaming.
meeting dearest again tmr. =D
i'd rather
Friday, May 26, 2006
7:08 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
I thought sometime alone
was what we really needed
you said this time would hurt
more than it helps
but I couldn't see that
I thought it was the end
of a beautiful story
and so I left the one I loved
at home to be alone (alone)
and I tried to find
out if this one thing is true
that I'm nothing without you
I know better now
and I've had a change of heart
I'd rather have bad times with you,
than good times with someone else
I'd rather be beside you in a storm,
than safe and warm by myself
I'd rather have hard times together,
than to have it easy apart
I'd rather have the one who holds my heart
whoo-oo-oo-oo yeah
And then I met someone
and thought she could replace you
we got a long just fine
we wasted time because she was not you
we had a lot of fun
though we knew we were faking
love was not impressed with our connection
they were all lies, all lies
so I'm here cause I found this one thing is true
that I'm nothing without you
I know better now
and I've had a change of heart
I can't blame you if you turn away from me,
like I've done you,
I can only prove the things I say with time,
please be mine,
I'd rather have the one who holds my heart
I'd rather have the one who holds my heart
whoooo.....who holds my heart
this song is so, so nice! =D ask me if you want the song. still looking for a website to upload my songs. lalalas.
englong's in a bad, bad mood! =(
brian teo - my new classmate - is a stalker! -jaw drops-
edwin is crazy. he loves to doodle on my book, somehow.
minghui is nice, he waves to us (dee,en,eunice&me) when he sees us.
noel is cutee.
shumei is giggly. erm. laugh-y. lol. her laughter is darn infectious.
bernice is cool. nvr talk much with her. lol.
charissa speaks darn fast! -jaw drops-
ermmm. who else huh?
joel is still alien-ish & ive got sth against him. >=( i dont know what. but i just.. dislike him. lol..
oh well. i love my class, nevertheless. (:
& i hope they love me too!
LOL. x:
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
6:34 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
i think im starting to show a teeny weeny bit of improvement in my studies. last week, i topped the class for my Instrumentation practical worksheet. yea, no doubt i did ask around, but at least i bothered to phrase the answers in my own way. =D and today, i topped the class for Analytical Biochemistry practical quiz. ive got full marks! i studied on sunday with huiling & weiwei, and revised a lil while i was on the bus going to school.
why the sudden passion for studying?
cuz the common test is just 2 weeks away!! hahaha. & this time round, there's no study break. SUCKS. stupid ngee ann took away our one week break before exams, but gave us an extra week of holiday after the exams. LAME!
anw, i'll be really busy during my 2weeks holiday - fr 9june to 26june - cuz ive got loads of programmes planned! my common test ends on 9june. spending the weekend with dearest, as usual. going to the bird park on 12june. charissa "reserved" 2-3 days of my holidays - to catch up with her & rena. hahaha. oh. and how can i forget my moomoo huiling! we'll definitely be hanging out. =D RIGHT, LI HUI LING?
nobody's reading my blog anymore! poop.
anyway, i watched Da Vinci Code alr. im rather disappointed in the show, cuz alot of interesting parts were not in it. & somehow i hate it when people watch it before reading the book. some of them are also borrowing the book after watching the show.
like, HELLO! the Da Vinci Code is a must-read book! the suspense built-up & the way Dan Brown describes every scene so detailed-ly is amazing! (though i personally prefer Angels & Demons)
yeayea. you go watch the show, & know what's gonna happen. then Dan Brown wrote all the suspense FOR WHAT! poop.
so people, read the book first. cuz the show aint too fantastic either. the truth was revealed too soon in the show.! :(
anyway, Forday Wayne Lee was so, so, so funny yesterday! he was telling us to drink urine. & we were like, HUH?! then he said pee in a cup or sth, then dilute it with water. dip your third finger into it. & immediately put your index finger into your mouth. hoho. get the joke.
Choy Weng Keong also commented about XMenIII that a mutancy is not cool! a mutancy wont make you turn into XMen, but instead, mutancy means you've cancer. =D yeayea. he showed us the XMenIII trailer in class too. (though i watched it before alr)
funny peien has been saying many hilarious phrases. =D she was drawing happily for our CCTA lab report, when she said "my drawing so nice. i can be
drawer alr.!"
yea right. drawer.
so i said to her "ok lor, you be drawer, i be wardrobe."
=D get the joke. she likes to add -er to whatever words she's using. funny girl =D oh btw, in case you're still wondering what's wrong with drawer. im telling you that an artist draws. a drawer stores. oo. that rhymes.
was supposed to go for volleyball training today, fr 6pm-9pm, but my toe died on me. i kicked my leg against a wall, and its bruised. and i suspect ive got in-grown nail. it hurts big time. =(
uhh. im off to study for my Ethidium Bromide test tomorrow.
fyi, Ethidium Bromide is a carcinogen. that's why we're having the test. the lecturer doesnt want us to get clumsy and have Ethidium Bromide all over our skin which causes mutancy & thus contracting cancer.. blahh.
Friday, May 19, 2006
9:51 AM$BlogItemDateTime$>

studyin' at KAP with deedee & enns!

collage of moomoo and me!
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
6:28 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
been really busy these few days. school's taking a toll on me.
didnt dine out on mothers' day, cuz mum didnt wanna go to crowded places. bought her & daddy a couple keychain. :D personalised with their names & sis' & my names. =D dearest & i have a pair too! heh.
gonna be in school for abt an hour or less tomorrow. to meet the principal of the child care centre to discuss the details of the bird park trip, hopefully everything goes well.
& the pjc teacher - patrick tong - is becoming famous (or infamous?) for his signing of contract with a student - Colin (real name is not used to protect his identity) - stating that he'll not be held responsible if the student fails his A levels. lol. ive went to his blog before, and i think Mr Tong is kinda.. odd. oh well, he may be concerned for the student, but i dont think that's the right thing to do la.
anyway, the name Colin happens to be the name of the NHSS schoolmate of mine, and he's in PJC too! haha. furthermore, he's in the same class as that guy, i think. he so suay! o.o" the NewPaper used his name as a substitute for that guy.
ehhh. & i heard from huiling that some SAJC students just spoilt the name of the school by being mean on a rugby match. fr what i know, the PJC group was cheering for their schoolmates, & SAJC's match is right after the PJC match, but PJC match hasnt ended. so obviously, the PJC group stayed on to cheer for their schoolmates. the SAJC group attempted to chase them away, and when the PJC group stood up to cheer (which is like damn normal on a match) these SAJC students apparently put their bags on the seats the PJC group were seating on.
& they continued cheering even when the PJC group couldnt stand it & sort of argued with them. o.o"
oh welllll! this is a third person account. i dont know how true it is. but im seriously turned off by this kinda rowdy behaviour.
oh. i still cant stand the understatement that JC students are cleverer than poly students. most of us, the poly students, alr know which path we wanna pursue in the future! i hate those JC students who think they are oh-so-great just cuz they're wearing school uniforms, which means their L1R5 is less than 20.
hell. we've the Singapore Polytechnic students pursuing the Diploma in Optometry, which requires a L1R4 of 8 (or was it 9?) some of those people who despise polytechnic students dont even have this kinda results la! zzz.
i got a L1R5 of 14. it isnt great, but at least its better than those JC people who despise polytechnic students (including me), & some of them had a L1R5 of more than 15 la. and just hengheng get into JC cuz their L1R5 is lesser than 20.
bull crap.
eh wait, please note that im only targetting those irresponsible JC students who despise polytechnic students. not anyone else! hahaha.
enough of that crap.
i just got a haircut. my hair is so, so, so, very thin now! =D cant tie ponytail alr, cuz its too thin and it looks odd. lolll. thinking of what to do with it when i go out. i hate the curls, so dry and frizzy. the top is so darn straight and smooth la. weirddd. so i might wanna go do sth to the bottom of my hair since im not gonna cut my hair short. dearest prefers me with long hair. rarrhs! so i went to layer it so that it wont be so warm in the afternoon.
okok. thats all for today. byebye
Saturday, May 13, 2006
9:39 AM$BlogItemDateTime$>
somebody splashed paint on my house's door, and wrote words all over the walls outside. dang
the previous owners of this flat owes them money, not us!! :(
just called the police. they're on their way here. rarrhs. TO HELL WITH THE LOANSHARKS & WHOMEVER IS TERRORISING MY LIFE! fcuk them!
Friday, May 12, 2006
10:09 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
heyoss. im back. pictures, i decided to post them in a separate entry prolly on sunday.
anyway, was supposed to meet huiling today, to go down to queensway shopping centre. but we cancelled the trip last minute, cuz we were afraid that some shops wont be open for business, since its a public holiday.
oh well, so i decided to meet dearest only. went down to clementi to meet him. had kfc there. there was a pasar malam on the whole stretch of road at clementi central, made the whole place so hot and stuffy. eeks. worse of all, there was a smelly tofu stall!!!! IT WAS SO DAMN FCUKING STINKY! like drain smell. PUKKEEEE!! you could smell it within about 50m away la. prolly more than that. gosh! i pity those shops behind the stall! x: but some people loveeee smelly tofu, i dont know why, just like how angmohs dont understand why most (?) singaporeans like durians.
oh well, after eating kfc, we decided to head down to Jurong Point, but before that, we went to the AXS station to buy tickets for Poseidon.
went to JP, then walked around. oh ya, dear bought some educational books for lil hannah. her birthday's coming! :D
rotted till 5pm, then watched Poseidon. i like the show! haha. my heart pumped so fast when they showed scenes of explosion and stuff. was grabbing dearest's hands so tightly. lol.
ate dinner at mos. we shared a largeeee ice milk tea. and i bought a 5 piece nugget. :D
then he sent me to the bus berth, and he went to take train home. :D
OH! and there was a 50% sale at World Of Sports! dearest bought a kakhi coloured shirt for himself, and a nike jersey & a mizuno polo tee for me! i loveee him.
rarrhs! oh, wanted to send dearest's mummy to the airport this morning, cuz she wont be in spore on mothers' day itself. but she said dont have to, cuz hannah and dearest's aunties will be going, wont have enough seats in the car(s). she's going to thailand! i also wanna goooo!
and samuel kong is going to hongkong.! rarrhs!
OHHHH! and dearest & i met taiyuan at JP. he's working at a booth outside JP. selling Nightmare before (or was it after?) Christmas stuff, and hello kitty, i think. he's helping their taekwondo friend tend to the stall. and we saw one of the gays working at JP too. o.o
oh welllll. that's all for today!
ps: pommy's not feeling well, again! lao ren bing. :( she suddenly has no appetite, and started puking & diarrhoea-ing today. :( her tail's down. poor baby. mummy washed her pigu twice, cuz it was stained with her diarrhoea. :( she's so sad now. should i let her sleep in my room today, like she always does? but im afraid she'll poopoo in my room! :( cuz she did so before, and i was so traumatised. she shook her pigu and her poo flew onto my shirt.! & my face. RARRRH.
oh well, i still love her all the same.
no wonder people always say, love is blind! & unconditional! haha.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
9:38 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
birdpark trip was fun. most of all, it was free & sponsored by the bird park! thank you! :D checked the place out. planned the route for the kids to take on 16june. :D:D:D i love the owls! & the penguins! muaha.
i took loads of pictures there. (: will upload them soon, cuz im very tired alr. and dear's gonna call anytime soon, as usual. haha. :D
meeting huiling tomorrow, perhaps. (:
rarrhs. so bored.
bird park
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
9:58 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
i dont have to go to school tomorrow, im having a super duper long weekend. :D
going to the bird park with my Events Management team mates to check out the place for the kids.
will update soon.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
7:38 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
im really exhausted.
rarrhs. and there was another accident, around the Assumption English School. -.-"
3 -- please tag using layman's terms, cuz i know nuts about cars.
im going to chill now. been so stressed up.
test on structures of 20 amino acids today.
i only got 8 right. -.- i spelled 3 wrongly. -.-
HELL! and my maplestory finally levelled up, lvl 46 now!
his eye is swollen. poor baby! :( :( :(
Sunday, May 07, 2006
8:03 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
hellooo. im back. :D
went over to clementi to meet dear in the afternoon. took train to somerset. went to cineleisure to get tickets, using the vouchers his mummy gave him. :D ate lunch at kobayashi, we had ramen! :D but it wasnt very nice
la. watched you're my sunshine. the show is alright
la.. haha. x:
saw a mediacorp actress. lol. took 190 back to bukit panjang, then to m1 shop at plaza. queued for damn long! was a lil pissed.. cuz i was too tired. boo. but was okay in the end. haha. dearest got a new phone! :D like, finally
la. he spent $468 on it, cuz his plan was "underage". lol.
ta-daaa! motorola v3x! the blue one. i so wanna get the pinkkkkk one. :D

hee hee.
supposed to meet huiling, weiwei & dearest to study at KAP today. but hl & weiwei pangseh us. so we decided to study at his house. ate dumpling noodles at clementi hawker centre first, then went back to his house. poor dearest's eye suddenly hurt, so he went to sleep. i was studying in his room, while he slept at his mum's room. walked down to the bus stop to take bus home at around 5pm.
i was so shocked to see an overturned blue carrrr! there was an accident. think it involved a cab and that car. that car was overturned
la. diao lor.

can see the ambulance? at the top left of the photo.

see the car? beside a man. so many people stood around la. i think that man is a lil injured, he could stand with the attendants' support.

close-up of the overturned car. heard that that the driver is a teenager. o.o" i took this when my bus went past. haha
anwww! i did something dumb! hahaha. i took pictures of myself and stored them inside dearest's phone! whaha! he knows
la. lol.
lala. i love him.!
bimbotic behaviour
Thursday, May 04, 2006
3:55 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
rarrh! im beginning to turn bimbotic!
being sick for the past few days, meant that i was staying at home most of the time. which means ive been turning on my laptop every other day. you must be thinking "what's so interesting about the internet?!"
uh huh, i thought so too. so i began to bloghop! and i found so many aquaintances' blogs. :D thru these blogs, i found links. one particular link was to Les Dames, a forum for girls/ladies. it's really useful/helpful. it has information on food, makeup, and the Dames (members are known as Dames) even organise sprees. :D you can buy things from other Dames, or join in the spree! i was so tempted to get some stuff, but too bad, im broke, and i dont have a POSB/DBS bank account. im using UOB, by the way. oh, you can go to the forum by clicking the link on the left of my blog. :D it's under
i found out on the cost/information of putting in braces, i even emailed the National Dental Centre asking for the cost and duration of waiting. lol. anw, im not gonna put on braces yet
la, im still broke, you see..
oh, and i searched for part time jobs online. lol. but to no avail. cuz i can only work from 5pm everyday, and i cant really work on weekends ( i need to spend time with my dearest, and get ample rest for school. )
rarrhs. oh, and i created a gmail account, like finally. lol! anw, i dont really email
la. just created it for fun, in case i need it to email official stuff to any organisations. :D my gmail account is
qii.adel@gmail.com . know what, i dont really like to register stuff online, cuz it gets on my nerves. i need to rack my brains to think of an appropriate username cuz most of them requires username more than 6 letters. and ta-da, my name is Ng Yu Qi. it seems weird to include the surname, so yeap, i decided to include my english name instead, since im using it in polytechnic/after i left secondary school.
know why? cuz malays/angmohs/indians cant pronounce my name! Yu Qi. they always make my name sound so japanese. some of my friends even suggested that i changed my english name to Yuki. o.o" worse still, some pronouce it as Itchy. and i seriously hate that.
so yea. call me Adeline la.! make things easy for everybody also. hahaha. i might want to go register/whatever its called Adeline, and make my name Adeline Ng Yu Qi. muahaha.
what a lengthy entry! people, please tagggg! thank you very much! <3
ive got darn 4 hours break tomorrow. rarrhs! God bless me!
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
9:31 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>

heh. i did some research. see the guy from the top row? the one in white jacket beside julian hee. he's casted as Yuqi.
his name is written as
贾玉其, while mine is
and in the previous entry, someone by the name jean commented that ive exactly the same name as her friend. o.o
what a smalll world.
anw, read abt the show
9:13 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
im traumatised. i thought the 9pm show looks nice, so i decided to watch it.
who knows, a male character in the show is called
anw, im
Yu Qi. and i bet his chinese name is diff from mine too.
钰淇 so feminine la the 钰.
so, the Yuqi is different from this Yu Qi.
im a girl. he's a guy. rarrhs. i think he's quite adorable.
all Yuqis/Yu Qis are adorable! hoho..
and im still sick. :(
and traumatised. rarrhs. maybe i can call my baby boy, in future, Yuqi. lol. same name as the mum. cool ehs? haha.
dearest i love you. (:
very sick
Monday, May 01, 2006
7:27 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
im sick.
i lost my voice, cant talk now. can sing ahdu's songs now. poop.
had fever yesterday when i was at hl's house.
will update again when im feeling better.
i dont wanna go school tmr with a voice like that! :(