Thursday, June 29, 2006
10:23 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
oh, and mum bought me toner, moisturiser and masks from watsons for me. cost her arnd fifty bucks. thanks mum.
i bought ELF cosmetics via a spree. USD$1 each only. bought 4. hopefully they will be good 'nuff for everyday use.
gonna get the SPF26 or sth moisturiser soon too.
removal of password
10:14 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
fck. im darn pissed at the moment. i hateeeeee it when people copy what i do, even though the things i do are no big deal!
i changed my blog & friendster themes to black&white, you copy.
i put password on my blog, you also put.
still got tons of things you copied la. bibibabibu.
im nice to you, doesnt mean you can take advantage of it.
fck you!
and its so darn easy to find out the passwords to blogs! im so gonna change to livejournal or xanga or sth that allows only people i know access my blog. fck you stalkers.
and the wonderful event i planned for huiling's birthday on this sunday screwed up totally cuz of people who are damn not enthu. fck. if you're not interested, tell me straight in the face. dont make me wait for hours just for a reply saying you will confirm when i confirm the details with you. fck. im just asking if you would wanna come, for goodness sake. is it that difficult to send a reply?
im so fcking annoyed.
there're so many assignments to do. 4 frigging presentations to prepare for. and ive not started on anything yet. God bless me.
decided to forgo the password thingy cuz it sucks. it's of no use, if people know how to hack into the web.
i cant wait for august to come. oh well, at least ive something to look forward to. zzz.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
12:13 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
helloo. sianns. met dearest yesterday, went over to tampines to meet him for dinner. wanted to dine at ding tai feng at first, cuz noob me hasnt eaten dim sum in a dim sum restaurant before. LOL. x: but i decided not to. accompany dearest to ajisen ramen to eat instead, didnt finish, as usual. dont really like the ramen at ajisen ramen. bleahhs.
went to perlini's to polish my bracelet. :D then took train to sengkang mrt to meet jacqueline to get my spree stuff. weees. i love my stuff. very pretty. =D

the double layered necklace i bought. its verryyy pretttyyy. :D:D:D

bought 2 of these hairbands - the white and the orange - cuz i was lazy to go down to plaza's accessories shop, since i was getting stuff fr this webbie, might as well get them tog right? :p

CHEAPCHEAP bracelet! but its very pretty. :D i like it. lol. costs less than 10bucks.

this costs more, cuz of the details. but it aint as pretty as the pic. lol. its not too bad either! =D
yeayy. i love online shopping.! i dont even wanna shop in spore anymore. cuz online stuff are cheaper! :p but i gotta save. IM LOOKING FORWARD TO MY ATTACHMENT!!! money~~ yeayyy! x:
Saturday, June 17, 2006
5:18 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
im weak. weak. weak! i thought i was okay alr, but i had a terrible headache yesterday night all the way to this afternoon. gosh. TERRIBLE ONE! you know, the feeling that your skull is filled with loads of junk. your brain has a lack of blood. it stops functioning. and feels as though its gonna explode any moment! gosh. it was horrible i tell you. i couldnt stand up, cuz i felt giddy. i was supposed to meet dearest today la, like, after one whole week of not seeing him. then this had to happen. fcuk! i was feeling nauseous too. mum made me eat a slice of bread with kaya and drink a cup of milk. and i ate medicine. im still giddy now, though not as bad as just now.
bahh. the monthly thing just had to come today! fcuk! im feeling so pissed. >.< uneasy feeling from top to bottom. yucks.
anyway, have you ever wondered how some people can be so heartless? pretending that they dont know you when in fact, you were good friends a zillion years ago. lol. random thought.
im too pms-ey. and i joined a new guild in maplestory. new guild name's Devilicious. not too bad, leader is more spontaneous than the rest of the guild leaders i knew. but some of them added me on msn and there's this guy who started to call me chiobu. fcuk! i think he's blind. else, msia has no eye candies for him.
i love love love songggs.
i lovelovelove westlife's songs. i miss those days shell & i used to sing non-stop together. lol. we were crazy over westlife! i miss her so darn much! :( she's so busy now. rarrhs.
i lovelovelove rainie yang's songs. guo min. zhi xiang ai ni. li xiang qing ren. ai mei.
i lovelovelove jay chou's songs. feng. ban dao tie he. ge qian. loadds.
i lovee aslyn's that's when i love you. SWEEEET. :D
love luther vandross' i'd rather, beautiful lyrics.
98 degrees. i do. its all because of you.
rick price's heaven knows.
rihanna's unfaithful. craig david's unbelievable, we were meant to be.
guy sebastian's angels brought me here.
she's songs - bu zuo ni de peng you. ai wo de zi ge. blahhhs.
simple plan's thank you.
m2m's the day you went away.
helllll. so many songs. im thinking of joining ngee ann band. but.. haha. ive lost touch with music for sucha a long time.
im thinking of joining ngee ann volleyball. but.. im such a slacker.
besides, my timetable ends at 4pm or 5pm every single day. fcuk! so tiring. >.<
my cramps are back. hallelujah!
Friday, June 16, 2006
1:07 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
im feeling better, so i decided to post pictures! =D first, POMMY.!
this was taken when she went for grooming a few months ago. heh heh. all the fur on top of her body was alr cut.


look at the amt of fur she

and then.. her fur started to grow very, very slowly.. to this..

and this..

and now! lol, i took this in the morning. ive no idea why she looks so sad though.

and this!

okay, now for the pictures on the day we went to the birdpark.
this is a picture of the uber mini
UNISEX toilet. yeayea, dont you miss those days when you were a kiddo? no such thing as nan nu shou shou bu qin. lol. LOOK AT HUILING LA! must bend almost 90 degrees to wash the hands. and she's shorter than me. muahaha. x:

washed hands, and prepared foooood. =D first, empty the biscuits into a container. look at the knife whoever is holding. so dangerous can. x:

then put thinnnn layer of jam on 2 slices of bread. and cut them into four pieces. we did that on 2 big loaves of "super loaf" bread. WEIRD BRAND! nvr hear before. x:

some of us went into the kitchen to prepare the cooked food. cut one pathetic fishballs into 2-4 small pieces. o.o""" and nuggets into half. and hotdogs into MANY slices. lol.

-shakes head- KIDS!!

KIDS nowadays are sooo lucky can! i cant even remember what i had in kindergarten every single day when i was younger, i guess they must be really bad, if not, i should remember, right? anyway, THEY EVEN HAVE A DARN MENU LA! pizza, spaghetti, all sorts of delicious looking food. gosh, WITH PICTURES SOMEMORE! LUCKY LUCKY!

and off we went to the bird parkkk~ pictures taken during the bird show.


gareth! the one not reading the map. he's so so sweet~ he kept wanting to stick with me. heh heh. and look at that kiddo on the right, reading a map like an adult when in fact, i doubt they understand the map. HELLO?! they're only 5 years old!

then on the way back to school. their tiny school within ngee ann school compounds. haha. tiny them among huge us. with jingkai entertaining us with his funny actions.. GREEDY BOY!

attempted to take pictures of the 3 of us. SHAKY BUS~

ta-daaa. i edited this. cuz it was too dark, so had to use photo-editting skills to brighten it up in order to see our adorable faces. LOL. LOOK AT JINGKAI! naughty boy! ask him take picture he drink water. rarrh!

another attempt. look at him. idiot. x:

oo. i like this picture. jingkai looks so darn cute in here can?

and ta-da! the edited picture. hl & i in the toilet.

collage of every picture i have on hand. =D

and nowww. some maplestory pictures. lol.. meee and sandy. she brought me to this place with uber powerful monsters which i cant fight now. cuz im only lvl 50, she's lvl 85. crazy pig! x:

and meeee alone. with my pet. yesyes, i spent $21 to let my character wear pretty clothes and bought a panda to train it along with me. oh well, not alot actually, for these will last for more than a month. (:

aint my character handsomeee? lol!
alrighty, i think i'll update again. and prolly change my blog layout. what theme should i do this time?
1) my love & me (again.)
2) sis & me
3) huiling & me
4) pommy
5) or some random theme?
Thursday, June 15, 2006
12:14 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
im sick. :(
again. yesyes, my immune system sucks.
same ol' illness - infection of the... i dont know what its called in english. Bian Tiao Xian in chinese.
means severe sorethroat. which irritates me ALOT. accompanied with drowsiness, joint aches and FEVER.
and dearest's having duty tonight- means staying over at his office.
this sucks. im so sehh~ will update soon..
Monday, June 12, 2006
9:51 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
but pls read.! =D
after weeks of planning, the birdpark trip is finally overrr! now, i just gotta do the paperwork. SOB. anyway, im dead beat, but i just had to blog this down in case i forget anything. the power of a laptop! i can lie down on the sofa and type. comfyyy~
I HAD A BAD BAD START for a day. BAD BAD BAD! i woke up early, and bathed. then i boiled water and prepared my milo. went to make sure i brought everything. i tied my hair. and i left my house!! I FORGOT TO DRINK MY MILO AND EAT MY BREADTALK BREAD. i was crossing the road to the bus interchange when i was wondering why my stomach felt so empty, when i supposedly had breakfast. RARRH! so i called moo! told her to bring 2 slices of bread for me from her house. whahas.
reached ngee ann bus stop and waited for moo. for abt 10min! cuz i was early. a girl borrowed my hp to call a cab, i kept looking at her, cuz i was afraid she was some snatch-thief. heh. x:
moo came and i ate my bread. thanks moo! =D she followed me to canteen 2 where i was supposed to meet tricia, yunlei and johnsten. finalised some details, and went to the childcare centre. woohoo.
prepared food for them - cut nuggets, fishballs, sausages into smaller pieces. prepared bread with UBER THIN LAYER of jam (cuz KIDS CANT EAT SWEET STUFF.) whahas. helped them with their name tags. applied insect repellant for them. WE WERE LATE. >=( had to push back our entire schedule. RARH!
took bus there, chester chia and gareth were sitting behind moo & me. they are damn cuteee! (LI HUILING, ITS CHESTER! hahaha not jester =p) but damn dao. lol.
the Lao Shi (teacher) told me to look after Yan Yu, Zhen Yi and Chester Lim. they are sooo noisy. each of us had 2-3 kids with us. but ended up, it was all messed up, the kids just went to whomever they like more. hahah.
split the kids into 2 groups. my group consists of the K1s and the K2s. our group went for the workshop first. >=( stupid jennifer (education officer of birdpark) never prepare everything properly. the leaves werent dry and there wasnt enough double-sided tape. ngiao (stingy)! but the kids had fun! haha. making a birdnest with eggs in them outta dough, plastic cup, leaves and double-sided tape.
oh, did i mention that gareth started sticking to me ever since then? i love him la. he's so cuteee. he kept hugging me. and holding my hand tightly putting my hand in front of his chest whenever i let go of his hand. SO SWEET RIGHT? goshh~ but i heard from the teachers that he's a mischievious brat. haha. but he's damn sweet to me la. he listens to me! haha.
and there was a japanese kiddo~ Ryuichi, im not so sure how his name is spelt. he kept sticking to the lao shi. haha. his parents tagged along too, cuz Ryuichi knows only the basic English words like, go, eat, water, etc. lol.
ohh, after the workshop, we went to the Pool Amphitheatre to watch the All Star Bird Show. the kids were soo amused! haha. good~ =D finally took a short break, cuz they were too attracted by the show.
then came lunch! haha. helped to set up, and settled every kid's lunch and every parent's lunch before we had ours. I WAS STARVING! i didnt realise that until i started eating. too busy alr la.!
ta-da! aft lunch was the long-awaited tour. haha. brought them to the lory loft and looked at the lories. Mrs Ng, the principal, said to us that the tyrants in school were afraid of the height. lory loft had suspension bridges in it, btw.
took the panorail back and the 8 kids sitting with me were so fighting over sweets brought by one of them that they missed the swans, flamingos and pelicans when the panorail went pass them. what a pity!
took them to the penguin parade and they were soooo excited. lol. cute lil kids!
last station, world of darkness. all of them were like "IM NOT SCARED!" before going in. but inside, they held my hands so tightly! lol. aft getting out, i was teasing them "i thought you said you werent scared?" they were like "YA! IM NOT SCARED!" wanna laughhhh sia! lol
anyway, due to the delay in the morning, we had to give the parrots, cockatoos and macaws section a miss. but overall, it was a fun trip. none of the kids got missing till the last station. 4 kids from my group sotong-ly joined the nursery group. sotongss! =p
went back to ngee ann. on the bus, jing kai was entertaining moo & me. he's like so small! but he kept eating! other kids eat 1 piece of bread. he ate more than 4 pieces! and alot more biscuits.! gosh. and his expressions were sooo cute! haha. moo & i were so amused la!
Mrs Ng praised us for a job well done. goshh. sense of achievement. handling a big bunch of kids aint an easy task, but we're done with it! whahah! i'll update again~
oh! and i wanna thank moo for helping out! i bet you had fun too! lol.
shes tha man
Saturday, June 10, 2006
10:32 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
(: & i watched she's da man with boyfriend today. i love the show. duke is soooo CUTE. =D=D=D and i admire viola for her courage to crash into the boys' soccer team. oh well, go watch the show alright?
will be having my birdpark trip with my teammates and the kids at childcare centre on monday morning. will update with pictures. many thanks to yunlei's friends and johnsten's friends whom will be coming along to help us. and of course, to huiling, yanyi and cherissa. hopefully monday will turn out great.
im waiting for boyfriend's call. ! :(
family crisis
9:27 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
my family seems to be having some crisis now. hopefully we'll tide over it. it really troubles me alot, but i cant tell anybody about it 'cept englong, cuz it's reaaaaally personal. it freaks me out. it makes me think of things ive never thought of. it makes me feel like, its time for me to grow up and stop hanging out with hypocrites whom dont appreciate me at all, cuz they really are a waste of my time, and effort.
oh, and of course, it makes me think of who were the ones who were really there regardless of what happened, maybe because we arent too close, but well, they accept me for who i am.
as i was writing a postcard to
anita, i thought of how long we've know each other. ive known her since.. was it primary 2? haha. i just know we were in the same primary school. stupidly joined the wrong cca in primary school, but ended up loving it and grew up with it till the end of our secondary school lives. went to the same secondary school - nan hua sec - together cuz the then nh-band conductor was the husband of our primary school band conductor. lol.. entering the same section together - trombone. having loads of fun together, pontanning band practices, having an hour breaks instead of the given 15 minutes break. whahas. it was all so fun then. but now that we're in different schools. we've really drifted apart. oh! did i mentioned that we always live so near each other, for like, the past 18 years of our lives?! in primary school, she lived at blk 129, me? at blk 126, but in fact the 2 blks were right next to each other. now, she's living in blk 180, and me, in blk 176, with only one stupid multistorey carpark between the 2 blks. lol. you're fated to be stuck with me! =D
and then, there was
sherrie. whom i met when i was in primary 5. became the best of friends, and did almost everything tog. she brought me out to town to meet other people, like
junwei, blahblahblah. she was so street smart, and i absolutely adore this then best friend of mine. but after getting into secondary school, somehow, i seem to change, in her opinion. bickered abt some stuff which i thought was quite dumb, and i didnt really intended to do so that time. oh well, she's leading her own happy life now. so who am i to comment anything else? the period of time which we spent tog was really, memorable, i would say. and it would forever be kept in my heart.
in secondary school, i met 3 wonderful girls -
wenbing and
michelle. we were so damn close. forming a clique. dreamz. i remember we quarrelled abt some stuff, we were so immatured, then!! i think we're really different, though. haha. but i absolutely love them. actually, wenbing and i werent very close, but well, we're still good friends, right? oh, not forgetting
yewchye! ive always thought of him as a good friend, but it seems to me that i may not be so to him.. haha.. oh well..
rena chan. i didnt forget you! haha. bandbandband! trombone~
derek. 1st generation. lol. then was
yingxiu and
bob - still remember how we hated bob for being such a showoff? =p and the 2 cultural potpourri! the staircase monster. LOL~ x: oh. and the junior councellor, bernice, what was her nickname ah? hahah. the luo han! and
steven! lol. he's like so lame and sarcastic lor. he taught us all the suan-ing skills. lol.
then in secondary 3 and 4, had this
7788 clique. oh gosh, we were so immature then la. fighting over studies also can kick people outta the clique. -.-" then became
6677. oh well, everything was fine at first, but since then, people started to change. i couldnt stand the way some of them are, and i doubt they could stand me too. =p so yea, ended up breaking up.
BUT! i still have li
huiling! who would have thought that we would be good friends now?! all the rotting sessions. gossiping sessions. and the heart-to-heart sessions. hoho. she loves me la. HAHAHA. i gave her my first time! staying over at someone else's house (besides my relatives' la) remember the night i stayed over at her house - we were chatting abt .. erhems .. on her brother's bed, with the teevee on showing some lao kok kok show. LOL. but we fell asleep in the end! hahaha.
and neo
weiwei! although we dont talk often, you're still a good friend to me! :D love suaning you~~~ =D=D=D
nonono, its not the end of the list yet! uh huh.
yanyi! i'll never forget her! she knows me so well, that sometimes i feel guilty not being able to know her as well as she knows me. cheem? ya, i thought so too. lol. but i loveee her. really. =D
cindycindy! TONS of misunderstandings happened bw us. but im glad its all OVER! haha. you know i love you, right?
BENEDICT! oh yes. haha. my bestest guy friend ever. there's sth bw the two of us which makes me feel very comfortable when im around him / talking to him. he speaks right to my heart. haha, even though we dont talk to each other very often. but have you ever heard of this quote? "the best friend you can have, is one whom you can sit at the porch for a very long time without saying a single word, but still feel like it was the best talk ever." sth lidat. haha. we knew each other through IRC. met each other once before only. but talked to each other since i was secondary 2.. that's 4 frigging years of friendship with someone ive never hung out with! amazing, right?
samuel kong. we arent very close, but we knew each other for a long long time too. haha. just so happens that i usually advice him quite alot on his rship. oh well~ and after knowing him for 4 years, i finally received my first present from him on my birthday last year. lol. we knew each other even before secondary school life started from me. cuz suxian went to tell her cousin, william, that im pretty. LIKE. DUHHH. im not la. i think they ended up being very disappointed. hahahaha. x: WHO CARES. i bet samuel still loves me as much (as a friend la.) you better say yes to this. lol.
how can i forget my love?
Mr Ang Eng Long. he's like, the
sweetest guy ever. always acting like he doesnt care, but always melting me with the sweetest thing he can ever do. it may be a small matter to you guys out there, but i love it. haha. pampering me to the core. bringing me to eat good food. teasing me cuz im fat, but still loving me all the same (and still continue to feed me with good food o.o") trying to buy every single affordable thing i like. tolerating my mood swings. reprimanding me when i eat prawn/seafood and end up getting the runs. lol. cooking fried rice for me when im hungry (used to! now he's too busy to!) making jelly with strawberry and mango in them just cuz i felt like eating it (and getting scolded by his aunties cuz strawberry is expensive) whahass. i LOVE him. =D
i will never be upset for too long, for i know, all of you will be there for me, somehow.
i bottle up my feelings and when the burden is finally too large for me to handle, i break down and cry like there's no tomorrow. at that very moment, i give up on my life, hoping to end it, but ive no courage to. i dont wanna leave this world like that. cuz i still have my family. i still have friends who care. and ive a guy who loves me the way i am.
thank you guys. thank you very much.
hopefully, everything will be fine once again. (:
Friday, June 09, 2006
7:38 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>

this is one of the stuff i bought during the spree. NICE? =D i think huiling bought this too.
anw. my exams are OVER.
please ask me out. =D
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
12:25 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
oh. did i mention that i spent a whopping 56 bucks on an accessories spree recently? YESYES. pretty accessories. korean ones. im so looking forward to receiving them!
and im gonna shop till i drop during my 2 weeks break.
im gonna get a puma bag - hopefully.
new tees!!
new pumps.?
i wanna get couple watches with dearest too! lol. cuz my 10bucks-simple-yet-notcheaplooking watch died on me. and he has been wanting to get one too.
actually, i dont need a watch la. cuz ive my beloved n70. and my tamagotchi!
12:00 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
c'mon people.
stab me!
i screwed my first 2 papers up, badly. and ive 2 more papers left.
dang. acmb paper was alright
only. i screwed up the lac operon question. dangdang! the paper ended at 5pm, after which i came home and.. study slack.
i only got myself to study at like, 9.30pm?! and stopped studying at around 11.30pm? gosh!
i screwed my ccta paper left, right, up, down blahhhh! most of the questions appeared in the past year papers! i only read through them, didnt do. >=(
ive two more papers left.
and after that, i can partyyyy~ 2 weeks break. nanana~
Saturday, June 03, 2006
7:53 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
im busy.
with the common tests.
with my newly bought v3 tamagotchi. (dearest bought me one when we were at bukit panjang plaza this afternoon! =D thank you boyfriend!)
my baby!
will update after my common tests.
or perhaps, when i feel like it.
21st monthsary
Thursday, June 01, 2006
9:09 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
i just came back from a mugging session with sandy and peien. stupid jeremy pangseh us for stephanie. lol. studied acmb. left with 2 and a half chapters! but i havent finish the other modules. shopped at cold storage too. bought mango pudding powder thingy and nata de coco. =D gonna make pudding prolly tmr night or someday soon.
nehnehneh~ dearest reached home at 11plus at night yesterday! so late, right? he said the big shots were discussing abt something which has nothing got to do with what he was supposed to care abt. poor thing. he had a meeting this morning again! and in the late afternoon. horrible, right? sucks. we're spending lesser and lesser time together! but we still talk on the phone every night la. heh.
and it's our 21st monthsary!!!
happy 21st monthsary my boy. (: loads of things to say to you, but there's too much for me to say all at once. but i just wanna thank you for being so sweet to me for the past 21 months. thanks for putting up with my occasional tantrums & very frequent complains. x: i love you baby! =D
and pommy dearest is so cute. =D she's sniffing around on the floor again. heh. cute lil furball. =D

heh heh heh. cute lil thing. her fur is so long now la! when she lies down and stands up again, her fur will be in her mouth. then she'll desperately try to get it out. adorable. =D=D=D
lalalas. im outta here.